Reviews for Life and Death - Discontinued
Guest chapter 9 . 11/17/2016
The f**k is this? Japanese class?
Tenchi Hyuuga chapter 30 . 9/2/2016
vocĂȘ vai continuar?
Myca chapter 28 . 3/5/2016
It is the first time I read one of q Your fics, and especially loved this! I wonder if you'll still ! if so I'll be waiting anxiously !
Kimichiii chapter 28 . 3/18/2014
Have you abandoned this story? I hope not, I really want to see what happens next. It's been such a long time since your last update (two years if fanfiction is anything to go by) and it's a little sad. You're really leaving your fans hanging there and, if you do chose to abandon it, you'll make them, including me, sad. I mean, I love this story. It's really good! And I hope that, if you are wanting to abandon it, that you'll find it in your heart to continue. It's really awesome! I would hate for such a good story and the time it took to make it to go to waste. Please continue it!
Seraphina Dragon chapter 28 . 2/11/2013
hope to read more
Apocalypse owner chapter 28 . 1/12/2013
she kill them all even torisho?
oh!and plz keep on going it was geting really god!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/17/2012
please please please update soon. will toushiro and hinata get together in the end?
Guest chapter 28 . 7/15/2012
nooooooooooo i hate cliff hangers! please update soon. this story is really good i hope hinata gets her happy ending.
Marigold-Scented-Candle chapter 28 . 5/2/2012
Hey! This chapter was great! I love how you used the animals as a way to tell Hinata's story so far. And the twist ending was great!
BlueMirage chapter 6 . 3/18/2012
The random Japanese is extremely annoying. The translation in bold text only makes it worse. Not only because the text shines out and makes it hard to read, but also because if you have to use translations for every second word you write then you should stop writing in that way.

Please, rewrite all of it in normal English, using only Japanese for named objects. Otherwise, to be blunt, it's unreadable.
xanimejunkie chapter 27 . 3/6/2012
I remember I had this on my Watch List but kinda forgot to continue reading it. Reread it and I really like how this story is going. I'm glad you took at the translations in the body of the story. Became a bit distracting to read. Other than that, can't wait for the next update! .
Anivla01 chapter 17 . 2/26/2012 Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi were Team 7...

but otherwise, good job!
Shugopop chapter 26 . 9/24/2011
Hinamori Yuki chapter 26 . 7/1/2011
Eto...I'm sorta confused on Hinata/Hikari's POV..Can't imagine how..
Lucy Ash Hawthorne chapter 26 . 6/29/2011
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