Reviews for Ace of Spades
underwhelmedJaded chapter 19 . 5/25
I love this ending. It Was super sad when I thought that you would follow the plot and actually kill Ace. But seeing the spin you took instead with him healing and being able to swim again was very interesting and creative. I like the ending a lot I always hoped that somehow he could be saved and would return to one piece but unfortunately in Cannon that is not going to happen so it was great that I could live my little friend to see through this fanfic and I also love the fact that you wrote sky the way you did and the character development was very good I had a lot of fun reading this fanfic and I hope that you’ll be able to read this review despite having completed this story a while ago. It’s one of my favourite fun reads that I go back to time and time again and my favourite ace x oc story.
underwhelmedJaded chapter 10 . 5/23
Reading this and besides it being amazing your authors note made me cackle ‘no one ever dies’. Ahhh my thoughts 10 years ago when they still brutally murdered Ace :’( really hated that and I still think abt it now.
underwhelmedJaded chapter 7 . 5/23
I love reading your fics again. I’m glad you posted this - and I get to come back to this gem. I don’t know if you’re still here on ffnet but this story is truly a masterpiece and I love how it happened. Also- if you’re still interested about Ace there’s a book out about Aces story and his journey. I read it and he’s definitely not a playboy (super goofy) Bur your portrayal will always be one of my favourites !
Trixia Oliver chapter 20 . 3/22
Pessoa do céu! Estou mais do que feliz em saber que você não pretendia fazer uma tragédia. Por um ínfimo instante, eu vi toda a relação adorável que Ava poderia ter com o Marco, mas então... Então Ace volta e é tudo sol e margaridas novamente! AMEI! Já é, sei lá, a décima vez que eu leio a história. Está salvo nos meus favoritos há um bom tempo. De novo, eu amei! Parabéns!
HinataSoup chapter 19 . 8/16/2019
Its a sweet, and sometimes sad end... but, hoorah with the happy bit of end
PippinSqueaks chapter 19 . 7/31/2019
I openly SOBBED reading this I am not even joking. Like I was a gross, Kim-Kardashian-esque snot crying MESS for like a solid 15 minutes and it gave me a headache. So yeah. Would recommend.
Coolfire30 chapter 18 . 6/8/2019
Not even gonna lie, this is my third time reading this story and this chapter... This damn chapter! Fuck! I'm on my way to work and I'm a blubbering, crying mess right now. Fuck.
Coolfire30 chapter 19 . 12/2/2018
Holy... Fuck... I'm actually so fucking sorry I haven't commented or reviewed yet on any of the previous chapters but... I have to say, in my defense... Your story is fucking amazing. With the amount of Ace fanfics I've read- or just fanfics in general... The fact that this story still made me cry, is a fucking feat that I am proud to say isn't something the honestly happens often... Regardless of the fact that I say thesecries in corner*, *tears up*. It's just... Fuck.

Yes, I live for the ending. I love this whole plot and story. And I'm now on my way to read that alternate ending, as much as Ace's death still pains me.
Coolfire30 chapter 19 . 12/2/2018
Holy... Fuck... I'm actually so fucking sorry I haven't commented or reviewed yet on any of the previous chapters but... I have to say, in my defense... Your story is fucking amazing. With the amount of Ace fanfics I've read- or just fanfics in general... The fact that this story still made me cry, is a fucking feat that I am proud to say isn't something the honestly happens often... Regardless of the fact that I say thesecries in corner*, *tears up*. It's just... Fuck.

Yes, I live for the ending. I love this whole plot and story. And I'm now on my way to read that alternate ending, as much as Ace's death still pains me.
Aureum chapter 20 . 6/4/2018
thank you so much for writing and sharing this story!
- A
Honest chapter 1 . 3/17/2018 kinda messed it up by having Spade sleep with Marco to get over Ace's "supposed" death. You must be white to think that it's okay on any level for a woman to sleep with her man's (dead or alive) best friend. Only desperate sluts do that. Spade was supposed to be a strong woman. What happened?
Guest chapter 2 . 2/18/2018
Sorry I just read the free talk part, but chopper joining is as important as robin joining the crew
Guest chapter 2 . 2/18/2018
You just skipped little garden and when chopper joined on drum island, if you wanted to skip it you should at least give hints of what happened
Uchiha Zoro chapter 20 . 1/26/2018
AHHHH THIS IS SO AMAZING I REGRET NOT READING THIS EARLIER UGHHHH. I really thought all hope was lost when ace “died” in this fic & i felt so much for spade since i, too (embarrasingly) was a fucking emotional wreck when ace died. Im still not over him gdi. I literally cried reading this. Im so happy & i love this so much thank you for this masterpiece! x
Guest chapter 14 . 1/3/2018
This is my favorite interpretation of Marco. Ahhhh even though i like ace and spade or law and spade, i wish there was a fic on marco and her. Best relationship in my opinion.
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