Reviews for Canzone Outtakes
blb1000 chapter 12 . 1/14/2015
Loved this. He's almost funny at times, though he's not trying to be.
blb1000 chapter 6 . 1/13/2015
How's he going to Egypt without leaving get?
blb1000 chapter 4 . 1/8/2015
She's got to back out of that darned Italy thing. Especially if she doesn't want to be famous (or infamous).
blb1000 chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
I wonder if she'll wake and still smell him in her room?
blb1000 chapter 3 . 1/6/2015
Excellent! Love this twist in the story. :-D
Lilith Leazman chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
Good Lord, I haven't read anything that sensual in a long while, absolutely beautiful. Okay, now I have to get back to La canzone della Bella Cigna before I explode! Wonderful story, definitely one of my favorites.
Delirium01 chapter 4 . 8/21/2013
"Oddly enough, the voice of reason in my mind sounds suspiciously like Emmett's."

Oh man, I cracked up at that line, because it makes so much sense! Emmett may be a giant teddy bear goof ball, but he's caring and pragmatic.

"I lose myself in the rhythm of this kiss- a gentle sway not formed by the thoughtful intention of individuals, no, but by whatever directs planets and waves and birds in migration."

You're killing me here! Stop it with all the wonderful writing. I can't handle it. I can't handle how good your story is because I know it's going to run out and I'll be without a fix... sigh. It's true. I'm a junkie for your story. Don't judge.

Oh, and can I add that during this chapter I was listening to a playlist on random and All I Need by Radiohead came on and it was freaking perrrrrfect. So good!
Delirium01 chapter 3 . 8/21/2013
I loved this. So much.

"You sing to me, in every way but one. You are subtle as the moon behind a cloud, and just as silent"

Reading that whole section while listening to Arabesque #1? gah. Magic. It was like reading the notes. It was so indescribably lovely.
Delirium01 chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
Yay for EPOV! *Love* the way you worked in Ne me quitte pas. I thought it fit perfectly. The other songs this chapter made me think of were Under Your Spell and A Real Hero from the Drive soundtrack (totally the best non-classical soundtrack since Lost in Translation IMO). Here are the links if you don't already know them:

Under Your Spell: (youtube) /watch?v9K7rmxjk5RQ
A Real Hero: (youtube) /watch?v-DSVDcw6iW8
orangeapeal chapter 6 . 5/14/2013
"This is my favorite part," Aro says, "conducting" with his typical theatricality.
Do you imagine Michael Sheen in full BD2 deranged mode acting this out? I do.
I think I see your opera background playing out in your dramatic story-telling. I'd love to hear Mr Sheen reading this online the way he does Unexpected Circumstances. Accompanied by stirring choral background music!
brenda.warren.1257 chapter 12 . 5/6/2013
well they destroyed the piano and the window. I have a question where was Carlisle at the time this was going on
brenda.warren.1257 chapter 11 . 5/5/2013
why don't he just leave her the hell alone she sure the hell don't want him. seem like he makes her skin crawl with hate he repulses her
brenda.warren.1257 chapter 10 . 5/5/2013
well now that's interesting does he want to eat Tom Cruise or change him [snicker]
brenda.warren.1257 chapter 9 . 5/5/2013
oh good now I know where Edward learned those moves he made on his honeymoon. I remember Bella asking him about some of them. speaking of that when are you going to finish the real story or is that how it's going to end
brenda.warren.1257 chapter 8 . 5/5/2013
sounds to me like maybe someone was making him an army
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