Reviews for Eruditely Helpless
Airmage chapter 6 . 4/21
Oh Zack! Lol
PrismicGalaxy chapter 5 . 1/18
PrismicGalaxy chapter 2 . 1/18
Eclectic Me chapter 6 . 3/16/2013
Oh, these are hilarious! I especially felt sorry for Zack in the last two! I think my favorites though were the first and third one. For the first one, I love seeing Booth's anxiety when it comes to the squints, and particularly the odd relationship between him and Zack! For the third and fourth ones, who knew Zack could come off not only as socially inept, but a creeper as well?
Fell4 chapter 6 . 3/2/2011
OMG! I just love how Zack reacts in those situations! LOL! I hope another few will be comming out! :)

DaughterofHecate1234 chapter 6 . 10/15/2010
Oh Zack... When will you learn!

Great little oneshots please write more!
HalfBrachenDemon chapter 6 . 6/20/2010
XD XD XD I can see these happening. :D Can't wait for more!
Suezanne chapter 6 . 4/16/2010
poor Zack he keeps coming off as a murderer .
Holysinner5527 chapter 6 . 3/29/2010
This was BRILLIANT! Poor Zach just can't catch a break. Imagine the reaction he would probably get if he was set up on a blind date. Just an idea.
AQotL chapter 6 . 10/17/2009
Argh, I did it again! I'm so sorry for reviewing this so late, but school is threatening to crush me in the form of textbooks and 4 by 6 notecards. I WILL try to get better at reviewing on time as the year goes on and I get more free time.

As usual, I loved this installment! I always find the situations between Zack and Booth to be the funniest, considering that Booth can't connect with Zack and has threatened to shoot him many times on the show.

"WhatEVER!" Oh my God, I almost died of laughter as I read that part. It's just so unlike Booth to say something like that, but it's so funny!

"You said 3% last time" - Zack's actually keeping track of how low Hodgins claims his social aptitude level is? He should know he has a problem when the percentage is still in single digits.

Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT.

Can't wait for the next installment of this and "Careful With Words"!

Update soon!

Blood Red Kisses chapter 6 . 10/10/2009
I am just like Zack in this instance. I'm a total grammar Nazi when it comes to certain things...But yeah..Looking forward to your next update! These little drabbles are adork-able! (Gotta love that term. Heh heh.)
Blood Red Kisses chapter 5 . 10/10/2009
Oh parents these days. If you don't want your kids to see stuff like that, don't let them talk to random men in the park...Sigh.
Blood Red Kisses chapter 4 . 10/10/2009
Another serial killer comment...Zack, you are just not good with socializing, are ya, Hon? The comment at the end was sad, though...Aww...I miss Zackie...
Blood Red Kisses chapter 3 . 10/10/2009
This entire fic is so amusing! That kid probably thought Zack to be a serial killer of some sort! Heh heh!
Blood Red Kisses chapter 2 . 10/10/2009
I giggled at that last part. But is that true about coffee? It'd sure explain a lot...Cute chapter!
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