Reviews for Penelope Falls In Love
Grass chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
This is so adorable!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Pepe Le Pew Childhood in the newer movies
Guiseppe Napoleon Chevalier Le Pew is the oldest of the 8 children of the multimillionaire fashion designer Hubert Le Pew and opera singer Gabrielle Bordeaux
The Le Pew children are, in order: Guiseppe, Louis, Pierrot, Jacques, Vanessa, Joanne, Marion and Antoinette
Guiseppe was groomed to become what many knew him as the Ultimate Casanova of the Toons world, and the Jean Paul Gaultier of the Looney Tunes.
Unlike most boys, he sees the beauty of everything, and is a prima cum laude graduate at the Paris arts academy, where he learnt the fine art of performing arts and everything connected to fashion and l'amour.
The Easter before he went to Acme University to major in fashion degree, he met the famous French American Pussycat family, and fell madly, hopelessly in love with the younger daughter Penelope, and the rest was history.
He's also good friends with the French detective, Frederique Pascal, played by Gaspard Ulliel.
His favourite childhood literature, according to one interview, is Belle et la Bete.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
Penelope Pussycat Personality
I am DYINF to gove ashot avoutbjer personality, sonhere I go
Penelope Pussycat is usually gentle, demure, and kind, but she's also very volatile and unpredictable. Being an opera singer she is, Penelope isn't really likwnother . She prefers to keep her head low and spend much of her time away from the glamourous parties, and wishes-sometimes-for a much simpler life
Despite this, Penelope is kind, compassionatr and demurw in nature. Quiet and shy by nature, her voice contradicts her true nature as it can hypnotsie people-inclusing men older than her. She's also a hopeleas romantic, having dreamt of a man, a few yeara older than her, can respond t whatever she aings in perfect rythm and volume unlike any other. However, unlike Pepe, she knows the fine line between fiction and reality and tends to shy away from his advances, untila he finally admitted that she loves him.
She ia also very humble, and does not really loke to stand out from the crowd. But when it comea to a role for an opera, she fofhts for it with humble grace and the avid supporr of her friwnds and fans. Like many divas, she cherished her friends more than her fans and secretly-gave them discounts to see her sing, even once offered a free ticket to Pepe. Depsite her sweet, compassionate and demure nature, Penelope can be colatile and unprwdicrable, and can be bit of a dramatic when needed. Calm and levelheaded bybnature, she aometimea have characcter quirks suxh as crying backstage or flinging her aelf into Pepe'a arms. Penelope is also sassy and seductive to Pepe when needed
Being an obkectof affection by many like Lola, she chooses men woselt and wil neevr fall for anyone whonhas whiskers. She dreams of a mnaly man tonsweepnher off, but she gor askunk instead. She's also a loving mom to Pheffe and a doting wife to Pepe
In general, she's a kind, sweet, gentle woman, who has lots to give out than her demure nature. She is no daselnin sostress, and knows exactly when and where how to put up a fight.
Brionna chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
This is a WONDERFUL story I've ever read in my whole life I just love Pepe Le pew as well!
LacyDasiy1990 chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
That is so awsomez
blaze chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
hey timon64! dude! we get it already! you made a story called furball's story!
Fuego de Estrella chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I... Just like this story so so SO much!
Timon64 chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Very Cute story!, its just goes to show that love can overpower anything even fullblown Amnesia! I've made a story about these two's succedor's Fifi and Furball from Tiny Toon Adventures and invite you and anyone else you know to read it on my profile. Once again Very Sweet.
Rocket Racer chapter 1 . 10/14/2009
Man, this was great! Not only in the fact that Penelope's feelings toward Pepe were slowly growing, but that she was able to use them to bring Pepe back to his rememberance! Good job!
bellechat chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Very Cute! Mew Orleans, :) thats just great! I really hope you will continue! This is too good to be a oneshot! :)
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
Very nice story.

Keep the good writing.