Reviews for My Arranged Gay Marriage
Cococauldroncakes chapter 7 . 4/1
I absolutely adored this story. It was completely brilliant
Cococauldroncakes chapter 6 . 4/1
I did not expect this at all. It blew my mind
Cococauldroncakes chapter 5 . 4/1
Incredible worldbuilding. So many twists and turns. My heart is breaking for Remus
Cococauldroncakes chapter 4 . 4/1
This is brilliant.
Cococauldroncakes chapter 3 . 4/1
This is incredible
Cococauldroncakes chapter 2 . 4/1
I did not realize it was a Prewett. This is such an amazing work. I really can't wait to see what happens
Cococauldroncakes chapter 1 . 4/1
This is so well written. I love how you build the story. I love how close James is with Remus
AshenMoon42 chapter 7 . 2/2
Awwww I love it! It's super sweet how they grow to love each other even from a very start, and the funny dialogue all the way through is priceless! Somehow this made angst and humour work side by side. Brilliant writing!
AshenMoon42 chapter 3 . 1/30
Mary Poppins with a penis ... okay, I'm not judging. I'm loving this story so far. Horcruxes, huh?
Zuk0 chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
I love this... 3 thank you so much for making me soooooooo happy.
WelcomeToTheAsylum chapter 7 . 6/26/2016
Very enjoyable, I'm glad you wrote that.
Fandomobsessed77 chapter 7 . 9/5/2015
I adored this! The plot was unique and reigning, with an equal mix of fluff, angst and sex
( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡) lol XD
Honestly, I loved it. I loved the characterization and the relationship between Remus and Harry and Remus and James a lot. In fact I just really liked Remus in this. Very well written too, with good spacing and chapter length. Thanks for writing. If I had to offer some criticism, I'd say how I didn't particularity like the cut in bits with Lily and Jane... :/ Sorry. But it didn't deter me and I over all loved the story, so well done :))
Parnita chapter 7 . 6/19/2015
Awesome! This was a delight to read!
Not good at reviewing but the whole plot, the characters.. Not a dull moment!
Tanja88 chapter 7 . 4/27/2015
I absolutely loved your story. The way you wrote it was wonderful. Too bad it ended. Hope you'll do more stories like this in the future!

Dementors hate chocolate chapter 7 . 2/15/2015
I really liked this story...I think you did a great job. I loved how you wrote Sirius..really spot on! Thanks for the great read.
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