Reviews for Maximum Ride: Passing the Torch
Hannah chapter 16 . 5/4/2017
Cool, no I didn't cry but I loved this chapter. Also I'm in school reading this , I can't afford to cry!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/1/2017
Yesss! Stop fighting and YESSS! Tell them EVERYTHING!
Guest chapter 25 . 3/30/2015
This was a really good story. I read the one before it, so when I realized it had a sequel, I obviously had to read it. I feel like the flock wouldn't have ever hid the truth from their kids, but your reasoning makes a lot of sense. They wanted their kids to have a normal childhood. (I can 100% see Nudge doing that) Great plot, and I was so ashamed that I couldn't find out who B.D. was! Your A/N's are awesome FYI
KaylaBignall chapter 11 . 5/28/2013
Ohmygosh! I can't believe it was Brigid! I thought it was Anne! Great twist on the suspense!
thepenguinshavethephonebox chapter 25 . 9/26/2012
I just finished your story and omigosh, THAT WAS FREAKING AWESOME.
thepenguinshavethephonebox chapter 12 . 9/26/2012
Kinda a random question, why did you choose sammamish(i live aroun there)? :P
Btw, I love your story so far! :D
foodgasmic chapter 25 . 8/17/2012
This story was wonderful, amazing, stupendous, lovely, praiseworthy, awesome, great, fabulous, cool, smart, beautiful, ingenious, marvelous, magnificent, incredible, outstanding, perfect, fantastic, terrific, excellent, extraordinary, brilliant, splendid, outrageous, spectacular, astounding, dazzling, grand, remarkable, sensational, prodigious, stunning, wondrous, astonishing, impressive, exceptional, miraculous, prominent, significant, glorious, illustrious, delightful, divine, pleasurable, renowned, honored, heroic, heavenly, venerable, notable, superb, sublime, super, resplendent, enjoyable, admirable,attractive, superior, choice, superlative, select, incomparable, invaluable, exquisite, exemplary, premium, supreme, transcendent, priceless, sterling, desirable, phenomenal, special, unique, fine, good, striking, supernatural, awe-inspiring, peachy, pleasant, swell, dandy, exalted, and fascinating. :D
Youngblood394 chapter 25 . 1/23/2012
i liked that the main thing about the story was about their kids and i really liked that :D
Noelle Seren chapter 25 . 12/3/2011
That was epic! seriously the best story i've read so far. You have a great talent for writing! publish a book someday!
iLuVtOwRiTe1998 chapter 25 . 7/15/2011

I just spent the past like SEVEN HOURS reading MR: The After Years and MR: Passing the Torch.

They are just about the bestest FanFiction I have EVER read.

You are such an amazing writer! I am sooooooo flipping jealous! You get so many reviews too! I only have like 31 and im already on chapter 10. You have like 400! Ur so lucky! But u deserve it for being such an amazing writer.

Anyways, before i become an even more Nudge than i already am, would you maybe read my story and give me just a little bit of advise? This is my actual username, but i just was too lazy to log in.

The story i need help on is called The Beginning.

The summary and title sucks, so thats probably why i have like no reviews, but pretty pretty pleeeeeease check it out. I need some serious help.

So, now i end this extremley long review, in hope that one of the awesomest writers i have come across, will check out my story.

Bye bye!

P0isonGhost chapter 14 . 6/11/2011
la chapter 15 . 5/31/2011
TR chapter 10 . 5/31/2011
Its money
TR chapter 9 . 5/31/2011
It is the heart or the brain
TR chapter 8 . 5/31/2011
Is it playto
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