Reviews for Testing
Melmel Phase chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
That. Was. AMAZING! Completely random pair, but with a smexy fic, it turns intensely great! Now I want to see more of them together See what you started? :D Keep it up! If not I might cry ;3; This pairing just got interesting ;3 -hearts-
Watch-The-Fire chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
I love this story and now i am in love with this pairing! Please, I BEG you to keep on writting stories for this wonderful crack pairing it just somehow WORKS. Thank you for this story! Keep being awesome!
Rim-Lickin chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
this was good ;)
Froggy-One chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
Oh... My xDDDD, I really love this xDDD, I mean... now I'm a fan of this pairing! xD! It was sexy, and now I got a few words on Japanese(?) xDDDD, Really~ Your fic was great, awsome, incredible, etc xD, asdfasdf,:3 xD
UnwrittenWishes chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
...Wow. I was a little if-y about reading this but...holy crap this was hot! I wish you had made a lemon, it would've made me go to heaven! This was well written and you did a good job of keeping Spanner and Fran IC. And I can see our little mechanic talking dirty in Japanese ;D I beg you though, please make another one of this couple...this time with a lemon? I'd like it if you did it, please let me know if you wiil :D
engage thy class chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
you are my hero for writing this. c: ;;

for srsly, i love this couple, and you wrote it so nicely.

( you should totally make a second chapter, too, and my soul would be yours. )
Yumeoni chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
This story is the shiznit o.o

I now really like this crack pairing thanks to you xD

The only thing I would complain about is the fact the paragraphs weren't seperated, making it hard to read D':

But besides that, GOOD JOB :3

Please write more when the chance is given~
Addicted to Dreams chapter 1 . 7/20/2009
That was cute, I kind of like the pair! D If you write more I would love to read it! -
fi vh sKDJz x chapter 1 . 7/15/2009
Oh crack pairings, why do I love you so?

Wonderful diction, and beautiful sentence structure—I was absorbed within the text from the first line all the way to the last.

Spanner is such a dork though; wooing Fran with his fan-girl Japanese. I lawled.