Reviews for lessthanthree
MariaLuvsYew chapter 5 . 3/12/2018

I decided to reread this during a road trip (NOT DRIVING) many years later and I have to say that this is so funny. I found myself laughing so much. I don’t know if you will ever update this again considering it’s 6 years later but your humor is amazing and the antics you set them up in are amazing. This was such a clever idea and they’re so in character too. I’m so sad bc ShikaIno seemed like they were developing and it would be so funny to see Neji and Tenten’s reactions to finding out they made out a WHOLE NIGHT. Seeing a drunk Shikamaru with Ino interaction would be so funny as well.

I hope you are doing well and still have th same humor!
WarriorQueen124 chapter 7 . 6/19/2016
I absolutely love this story! It's freaking hilarious!

I can't wait for more! :)

Great job and keep writing! :))
sonder this chapter 7 . 4/2/2015
At this rate, I don't know if you will update this, if ever. In a way, this could be sort of the ending since I was mainly here for the SasuSaku anyways and you did foreshadow (ahem - explicitly stated) that they have -finally- revealed their feelings to each other. So I am pleased either way.

I don't know how long this smile has been planted on my face since the first chapter but it's still here and it's not just because of the SasuSaku-ness; I really did enjoy reading the whole cast's misadventures. To be honest, I was a bit reluctant on reading a story that was told solely through social media but as my eyes plodded along, the characters naturally came off the screen. Without even describing a single thing about the setting or their expressions, I could see the event perfectly. The cafe, the party, Sakura's multiple anxiety attacks... what's even more impressive though is I heard their voices. When you start hearing the character's voice instead of seeing mere words - you know, the writer's got it -down- pat. And you got it down, girl.

I can't even describe my favorite moments because each chapter has something precious about it. But Neji really stood out to me - the way you have captured his overbearing presence was just golden. Even his screen name HyuugaEYES was it..? That was perfection, CAPs and all, because just from that username alone, you have captured his essence as a vigilant.. voyeur. And the way he even goes so far as to hack into Hinata's account to ward off Kiba, hahaa. Oh but Shino. Omgod, before I end this review I must mention him. I never cared much for Shino in the series, which is a pity in retrospect since out of the Rookie 9, it seems Kishimoto kind of just left him off to the side... but I believe you gave him his much due spotlight here. His passive aggressive attacks on Naruto were incredibly amusing and they always come out of nowhere but undoubtedly, at the right times.

I hope you have not left the Naruto fandom for good and that even if you have left this story behind, you will continue to create more.
RobinSparkelz chapter 7 . 11/16/2014
*Flails* love this :D
Mystery Day Dreamer chapter 7 . 5/29/2014
I don't know who the heck you are but I need to go to your parties :D UPDATEE!
Angelix.onix.luna chapter 7 . 3/29/2014
rriddlemethis chapter 7 . 9/30/2013
This fic is damn priceless. Please please please post the next chapterrrr
MariaLuvsYew chapter 6 . 8/17/2013
Oh & when Sakura said no that's your crazy fascination with Shikamaru x) favorite part of that chapter!
MariaLuvsYew chapter 7 . 8/17/2013
Oh my gosh. I FUCKING LOVE THIS! Chapter six is my favorite chapter so far. I was laughing SOO hard! Shikamaru saying who the fuck brought weed brownies, Sasuke becoming a drunken pervert (I seriously think that Sasuke and Shikamaru would horny perverts when their under the influence), Ino seeing unicorns singing in German and splashing around in the shower, Naruto, oh gosh, Naruto x) that was just too hilarious, TenTen and Neji making out ALL night and not remembering, Neji's Facebook announcements, and Kiba ending up in Suna! Oh gosh I was dying! This whole story is hilarious and I'm so glad I found it! I really hope you update soon. Its been almost a year. I love you for this story!
meantimegirl chapter 7 . 2/3/2013
Well that was fun. And finally a confessiin from Sasucakes. :)
bitterism chapter 7 . 2/1/2013
I'm dying of laughter. XD
TwistedRaver chapter 7 . 1/14/2013
Showering you in love, because this story is hilarious. And because I know how College sucks away your soul haha, I can be a tad bit dramatic P
TheMasterOfEmocorns chapter 7 . 1/7/2013
So intense!
What's gonna happen with sasusaku, and will nejiten ever admit their burning pashions for eachother?
And will we have a skikaino relationship?
Really exciting, I'm so folloeing this story. Lessthenthree!

Also, I think I might be gay.
Hypogal chapter 7 . 1/5/2013
Did another reread of this fic cos it's So AWESOMEEE. You need to update this! I love this So much. I have too many naruto feels now Dx
betty69blue chapter 7 . 10/1/2012
Hahahaha update!
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