Reviews for Ave Maria
half-a-recess chapter 6 . 9/1/2010
Yay! This is a review for all the chapters since I just now found this fic... This is a great story! I really like how you approached the situation and how everything isn't all "lovey-dovey-no-plot" like so many others of these that I've read. This is definitely one of my favorite fics that I've read so far, and I do hope that you will continue! Well, even if you haven't updated in like... a year. Hope you do well in all of your classes, but I also hope that you do find the time to continue this. You are a very talented writer!

Please update soon!
BlueUtopiah chapter 6 . 8/16/2009
I can't tell you how hard I laughed at Hiei pwning Kuwabara for giving him a hard time about the chocolate. I even had to explain it to my man because I was laughing so hard he wanted to know what the joke was.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
sesshy's numba1 gurl chapter 6 . 8/15/2009
haha oh i love a hormonal Hiei i really do _ please update soon!
lemonrocker chapter 6 . 8/14/2009
This was awesome. I did something very similar. Don't get inbetween someone and chocolate. I loved your chappie and good luck on college. Have fun.

your reader

KitBitMe chapter 6 . 8/14/2009
lmao! wow, nice one! i loved the ending! *evil laugh* poor kuwabara! haha! i did that once but i didn't leave him in boxers. when he woke up he thought it was a nightmare and he told all of us the next day at lunch what happened and i just sat there laughing behind my hand and all my friends gave me knowing glances at me time to time while he talked. we all laughed though when he finished. he never found out it was me! great job on this chapter and i wish you much luck in college. i hope you have fun and i can't wait for your next update. study hard! o and yay you! i'm in band too! band rocks!
mYtORnsaNDaLs chapter 6 . 8/14/2009
ok... i was really wondering what happened to kuwa but ... oh well... he somehow deserve it... lol
shiorifoxiesmom chapter 6 . 8/13/2009
Hiei the chocoholic, very cute. Have fun at college, and as much as I may regret saying this because I want an update, remember, school work before fanfiction.
LightShadowsh chapter 6 . 8/13/2009
hehe! Kuwabara and Yusuke.. they deserved it XD
BlueUtopiah chapter 5 . 8/10/2009
Again, this is so warm and cute and I love reading it. Yukina figuring out that Hiei was her brother and the scene after that made me smile. I hope you write more!
mYtORnsaNDaLs chapter 5 . 8/10/2009
yay! it's getting better and better every update, i like the fact that this one is the lightest story i've been in at the moment and its actually relaxing and enjoyable to read...

adah here by the way... i'm a follower of this story since day one but if i am not able to review before, my deepest apologies... i've been too busy...

nice work god job and please continue to update regularly... it's also a factor that you didn't leave us hanging for too

phire and magyk chapter 5 . 8/7/2009
yipee more chappies! good writing, good story, on with the reading!
phire and magyk chapter 4 . 8/7/2009
yay! so happy for naother chappie! sorry don't get to review very often cuz i'm usually reading these on my phone and it can't do that oprion on it i'm not loggedon right now but my pen name is phire and magyk tho when i suscibed to this story i was graverobber loves cats. so keep going with this cuz i eagerly await every chapter!
angel61991 chapter 5 . 8/5/2009
lol i cant wait 4 more. please update soon.
KitBitMe chapter 5 . 8/4/2009
aww, that was sweet! i mean the ending was sweet. and i liked how you made yukina yell. i mean a lot of people make her the innocent, naive girl and i liked how you made her show more than that. great job! and not only that but she showed how girls change moods fairly quick! well some... oh & i love the fat comments! i laughed at those. *giggle* ...i have an idea! why don't you make hiei's shirt pop up when he gets fat & when he takes a nap, make someone draw a baby face on his belly! *giggle* sorry if it's kind of dumb but my mind thought of that for some reason...and no i didn't get that from some TV show. i rarely watch TV. but yea sorry if it's lame. i got another! a baby shower courtesy of yusuke & kuwabara! along with some embarrassment that i'm sure you can make up! anyways update soon!
lemonrocker chapter 5 . 8/3/2009
AW Thats like the cutest thing I've ever read! And plus getting fat isn't that bad. My Aunt said it was fun, its the losing the pounds that sucks! ;P Can't wait to see what else you have planned. I see some stuff thats going to be very funny. Keep up the awesome work

Your faithful Reader

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