Reviews for From Russia: A Different Story
Hawsangst chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
Hey continue please
DonnaElizabeth chapter 5 . 5/11/2013
love it
Be My Master chapter 5 . 2/22/2013
*punch* that's for stomping on my heart guts!
Tess chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
I'm conflicted. Happy, because this is so completely perfect and excellent, and sad, because now all other smut is not going to be as good
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
haha nothing like tony but definitely some maxxie in there lol this is like if maxxie was considering tony's request and zoned out for a minute picturing all this and then was like nahh never gonna happen stop being a prick tony
aadamoo chapter 5 . 3/4/2012
Omg, I want more! Keep up the good work! :)

Sent from my iPad via Pocket Fiction
superman44 chapter 5 . 2/21/2012
You'd be my new favorite person if you finished this story.
SilentMelodies13 chapter 5 . 1/18/2012
I know it's been a long time but I really want to know what happens next
MysticalKC chapter 5 . 12/28/2010

Poor Maxxie! Makes me wanna cry! :'(
Alexandros Black chapter 5 . 9/23/2009
Well, I'm sorry to say that, but Tony is way too unreliable to be with someone like Maxxie. And Maxxie, despite being probably the best looking boy in the world, is way too sentimental to stay with Tony, so... I just can't see it working.

The story, however, was great! I loved the narration and the mimic of the people's slang and, well, the sex scene too :)

This guy doesnt have a clue chapter 5 . 9/19/2009
Great story
AyameBeaver36 chapter 5 . 8/30/2009
Wow this tory is great but tony is such an idiot so times but im also suprised michelle is taking the fact that tony broke up with her 4 maxxie and aint not trying to brek them up coz i read some hp fics like where harry started datin draco and ginny gets all jealous trying to break them up even those her and harry werent goin out so yeah

ilove skins but was sad when all all the old chracters kinda of left and now havent been bothered to watch it since anyway i hope you update soon and continue with the fab work
DifferentNotWeird chapter 5 . 8/16/2009
Oh I really like this story, please update soon! :)
505 chapter 5 . 8/15/2009
This is so good. I love maxxie haha. Please update soon! Can't wait. :)
505 chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
Ooh I like ! :D
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