Reviews for Good for the Soul
Crazy Dyslexic Nerd chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
I like this. It's well written and respectful of the Catholic Church which is kinda rare recently. Personally I am not catholic, but I really like reading respectful, well-written, thoughtful stories especially when they work well with the characters. Also, I really like the church lady and the priest.
-Dyslexic Nerd
Kelana-ti chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
Oh my gosh. This was awesome. I love it. It's always cool when people bring God into storys, and realisticaly I think that at least SOME superheros would be religious. I really like the idea of Dick coming back to church. Huh. This story is kinda making me feel guilty. I haven't gone to confession for a while. Oops. But yeah. I loved reading this.
Master of the Boot chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
This leaves me curiously frustrated.

On the one hand, it's a very intelligent and well written story which spins a tale of a man who has fallen into darkness but recieves a sign that this is not the end, that infact he might and will pull out of it.

On the other hand, I'm so very pissed off that the Joker didn't stay dead. I'm a huge fan of Frank Miller; I loved it when Batman snapped the Joker's neck like a twig. But I'm just venting.

This is a very good story, even if it doesn't fit with what I'm looking for.


Master of the Boot
Chigger chapter 1 . 4/22/2006
Nice to know I'm not the only one who's thought about sending these people through the Confessional. ;)

I like the way you've handled this for the most part, and the priest was (thankfully) a pretty solid apologist, although he got a little scathing at times. Perhaps that's what someone with Dick's sense of humor needs, though.

However, I noticed that absolution did not take place within the story; are we to assume that it happened after the penance was assigned, or does Dick still have a ways to go? (After all, surely he's done something other than kill the Joker in the last decade of religious neglect [although that can be blamed on his guardian. *crosses arms and taps foot at Bruce])

I'd actually like to see this theme carried on, if possible, to include Dick returning to the Fold. I think Eucharistic Adoration would be a relaxing and soul-soothing break during patrol on slow nights, don't you? ;)

Thanks again for your fair and clean portrayal of one of God's representatives on earth. They've taken more than their share of beatings through the centuries.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2002
A realistic and moving story. I love how the wise, compassionate priest helps Dick discern the strength and solace inherent in Catholicism.
TesubCalle chapter 1 . 1/30/2002
Just had to review this! Great theme here, Reich. So hard to find good fics with such strong moral bones. Look forward to reading more of your stuff!
Amethyst M chapter 1 . 1/7/2002
Great fanfic! It's nice to know I'm not the only one getting fanfic ideas when you're not supposed to. :) Now that I'm starting a new job(alas, temporary but still getting a paycheck) tomorrow, I may have to pick up some Nightwing comic books and check them out.

I was reading Spidey & X-Men comic books for a while. I love Spider-man's sense of humor, but after reading fanfic, I'm starting to wonder if Nightwing's sense of humor is much better. Anyway, keep writing.
Banter chapter 1 . 1/2/2002
Awwwwww. I like this story. It was very cute and so very angsty. I was sure the priest was going to be someone we knew but I suppose he was just all knowing. Good story.
Icon chapter 1 . 12/31/2001
As always, excellent stuff here.

For a title that is so keen on the theme of redemption they seem to be very reluctant to use it, and you used it very well indeed.

(And someone should remind Dick that if he had _really_ wanted the Joker dead, he probably knows at least fifteen ways to do it with a single finger!)
clifford engstrom chapter 1 . 12/30/2001
Angst well handled - as it should be after such an ordeal as someone breaking his sacred vow. Thanx for portraying a Roman Catholic priest in a respectful way; and thanx for writing!
moon chapter 1 . 12/30/2001
Wingster's a great guy, and yes what he did was terrible, but sometimes he makes ya wanna reach out and-ANYWAYS, just wanted to say thank you for handling this with such grace.
crazzy llama chapter 1 . 12/29/2001
thats was good i like the end alot haha it was just all around well writen good job (golf clap)