Reviews for Ryou's Story
pauliorochisai chapter 18 . 9/13/2017
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Ryou's interactions with Bakura (or Nameless) are so interesting. They obviously start out horribly with the way Bakura is, which is a manipulative and horrible being. But little by little they seem to get closer or at least tolerate each other a bit more. And at times it seems they're basically a team.
My favorite chapter was 11. In the Cards. I just loved the calmness of it, then the drama almost at the end. Being in Ryou's soul room and Ryou giving Bakura a reading was pretty interesting, and I was actually captivated by the Tarot cards, and I loved that that's how the occult deck was created. Then their arguing started. Bakura is such a horrible person but I like how Ryou stands up to him and is not afraid to tell him that what he does is horrible. Then Bakura shows a bit of humanity at the end. Man, such a perfect chapter.
I don't know if you're gonna continue the story but it was an amazing read and just when Thief King was gonna have a starring role instead of being inside Bakura's soul room it ends :OOOOOO
I don't know why it somehow didn't seem to end abruptly, maybe that's just me. I hope you continue the story or even if you don't, keep writing cause you're great.
Kitty Kurian chapter 18 . 4/12/2017
Finish please
Guest chapter 16 . 1/7/2017
Yadonushi means landlord lol bat spiritually so I guess Ryou could be called a landlord ;3
Kimnd chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
Could... could it be?
A story examining Ryou's perspective that DOESN'T pair him up romantically with the Spirit of the Ring? And it's AMAZING!? HOLY SHIT.
The only way that this story could be off to a better start would be for it to already be complete or still updating. Ah, well, you can't have everything. Besides, the world is still a better place for stories like these, even if it won't ever be finished.
Oddly enough, I've been thinking of a story with a similar premise to this-examining the show from Ryou's perspective. I just seem to have taken a different interpretation of Ryou and the Spirit- mine is far lighter in tone than this, and, quite frankly, I suspect that this is probably closer to Ryou's canon persona.
But anyway, I'm not going to read the rest of this because it's 3:45 in the Ra-damn morning and I really shouldn't be reading on the computer so late at night anyway. But your story will be read, since I'm putting it on my favorites..
Enci897 chapter 18 . 3/26/2015
Wow. That was really, really well-written and just awesome. I can't describe it, seriously. Great job, please update soon!
Burnished Angel chapter 18 . 2/15/2015
You cut off at a good part! But Ryou's interactions with the Thief King and the Nameless are very entertaining. Hope you someday update.
cogitoergosum chapter 18 . 3/28/2014
please please please finish this story!
it's really good and one of the few ryou/bakura fanfics out there that not only keeps them in character but improves their characterization. I'm begging you! FINISH IT!
white pedal chapter 18 . 8/8/2013
Hi, I just finished reading your story and I have to say...WOW! THIS WAS BRILLIANT! I never read such a beautiful fic in my entire life! You truly have a gift!

well done on bringing Ryou and Bakura to life!
N chapter 18 . 8/5/2013
Even if this story hasn't been updated for about two years, I feel it's necessary that I drop a review.

I have actually been looking for the series in different charecters point of views. (Kaiba, Jonouchi, ect.) So when I found this story, I couldn't contain my excitement, and my excitement was not for nothing. This story is written with amazing accuracy to the series, (except for the creative license you took, which wasn't too drastic) but yet still has originality.

The only errors I found were small, for example to instead of so. An auto correct error. I sincerely hope that you continue this story, and that if you don't that you would continue to use your writing skills.
lotdk chapter 18 . 3/4/2013
Okay, I found this story the other day and have been reading it every chance I get. This is the only FanFiction I have ever read that has made me so emotional. I literally cried at some parts. I love this story and when I saw that you hadn't updated it since 2011 I got really sad. Please , please, please update! I, and probably a lot of other people, seeing as this story has so many comments, would be really really happy!
Aquailita chapter 16 . 12/27/2012
lol i like the little snippits of randomness
AND HOORAYY FOR AMERICAN FORKS! Bandit Kieth: "In america!" lol
and im liking the potential tendershipping going on here. sitations/relationships like the one Ryou and "Nameless" are in are what i like to call "reverse tendershipping", which is just tendershipping exactly, but without any love. thats certainly what you;'ve got here and i still love this.
i never even thought that the names had anything to do with it though... nice.
Aquailita chapter 15 . 12/27/2012
b- ARGH! i mean Nameless... slipped up! i like where youre going with this...
for a moment, i thought it had been the Thief King who protected him... and who opened the door?
Aquailita chapter 14 . 12/27/2012
stil likin this
Aquailita chapter 13 . 12/27/2012
im loving the possible potential-personality thing comming from Nameless. (lol the name's stuck with me. at least for this story) and Akefia! omg akefia is there ttooooooooooooooooooo! or is he not... i dont know
but this is still awesome omg only 5 more chapters! im catching up... and im still wondering why it hasnt been updated recently. oh well. ill find out when i get to 18
in the mean time..,. good luck on whatever chapter ur working on.
Aquailita chapter 12 . 12/27/2012
i like this. and nice how u explained how they got on the boat. and the piano...
OMG RYOU BE CAREFUL! wow am i really shouting at him right now... wow. what the frig is wrong with me today?
anyway greast chapter and stuff and im really anxious to see about ba- I mean Nameless's soul room!
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