Reviews for Kaidan
Ordalie Gwynfyd chapter 12 . 8/17/2018
It is a very interresting concept and I'm a bit disapointed to see there is no other chapter...
I especially loved the idea of Toichi protecting Kaito when he does a heist. And Takagi who freaked out when he saw Danny was very funny x)
I'm wondering if Danny will meet Conan again by now knowing Eri, though.

Anyway, it was a good story and even if there was apparently not updated since 6 years, I have hope that you'll continue it even after all this time. I'm looking forward it :)

(and sorry for my poor English)
emptymorgue chapter 7 . 12/9/2017
kuroba toichi!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/26/2017
This is a fun fic. I really appreciate your work.
XphiaDP chapter 12 . 8/8/2017
It's been five years... I really hope this thing isn't over. It's beautifully written and everything I wanted a crossover of these fandoms to be
Alaena F. Dragonstar chapter 12 . 3/15/2017
_ I am really enjoying this story. The way the characters are following their own investigations and crossing each others paths feels very natural. The pacing is good, and the story is interesting. I really hope you write more.
All4AnimeTDR chapter 12 . 11/29/2016
Omg so good I love this chapter
ElizabethBathog chapter 12 . 3/9/2016
AHHH! Don't end it! I want more! Please update this! This story is to good to just stop on!
penknife321 chapter 12 . 1/25/2016
Please tell me this is still going? I love this story.
Riddle Wraith chapter 12 . 11/11/2015
It would be cool to see this updated.
crazyfan17 chapter 12 . 1/4/2015
PLEASE UPDATE! This plot is totally awesome. I HAVE to know what happens next :-)
Lutias'Kokopelli chapter 12 . 12/25/2014
Oh my. I just can't say anything but this: THIS is awesome. Really. Usually there's always some little things I find to tell to the author to help them improve a little for the next issues, but here I just... can't find anything. Maybe I would have added some more descriptions and/or tellings between dialogues, but that's only because that's my own writing style (and I do it so much that nobody wants to read then, so I won't ask you to do it xD).
No, really, I'm sure many people already told you that, but this crossover is a very good one, that mixes perfectly both fandoms, and completely. I would never have thought about adding characters like Eri (let alone Midori), so that kind of surprise was just great and pleasant (even more when I usually am able to find out already almost 50% of the plot by myself very soonly in most fictions I read. By now every time I find a fiction in which I am stuck like this and have to wait for the next issues to truly understand what is going on, I'm just over the moon. And this is the case here, now that I'm stuck with only mere hypothesis without any proof **)

I hope that you will update this someday, because it really is worth it. And I just love your writing style, which is very fluid, without being too short nor too much, and very understandable (for me who is French, that's quite a good point, I could read this at 4:00 AM without any difficulties and not wanting to go to sleep before I was done reading xD).
I'll stop here, but... I really hope you will keep this on. You really should if you have time and inspiration for this (and about inspiration, I just wouldn't be able to believe you don't have it. At least you definitely know what is going on and what you've planned for the future, I just can read it in your fiction itself). So good luck for this (and Merry Christmas by the way ) ! :D
Yannami chapter 12 . 10/2/2014
Oh my GOD! You seriously maximized the DP and DC crossover potential, this is amazing! Years after you last updated, just know that there are people out there who'll be looking this up, and then cry when they find themselves in this cliffhanger!

The flow of the story is great! I like the mystery you made Kid into by introducing him later in the story. The Toichi bit was sweet too. Damn, such a good daddy. Makes me sympathize with Kaito all over again. I want more of this. And Kid. Ugh, Kid! 3

Danny is great here too! His cartoon, normal sarcastic teen humor mixed well with the serious world of Conan. Speaking of which, wonder how he'll react when Conan does show his true colors.

PLEASE! pleasepleaseplease don't leave us hanging like this! Please find it in your CREATIVE AND TOTALLY HUMANE heart to continue this. Okay?

No, I'm not kissing up to you. But PLEASE!
orangesorafan chapter 12 . 9/18/2014
oh i want more. this is getting awesome. hehe
Lalealy chapter 12 . 8/9/2014
I hope you come back to this story someday. It's awesome and I want to know what happens next! :D
Mangaka Sapphire N chapter 11 . 7/11/2014
Awwwwww, I really want this to be updated, but it seems you haven't done ANYTHING concerning your stories since the end of 2012. Well, if you do happen to come back, please please PLEASE updated this story? Onegaishimasu?
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