Reviews for If You Could Read My Mind
Jennytheshipper chapter 3 . 8/30/2011
This was very thoughtful and sweet. It's well written with perfect tone and characterization.
Ceridwyn2 chapter 3 . 10/12/2010
Very nice story. I love this time of the series as they're definitely feeling something for each other.

northernexposure chapter 3 . 9/22/2010
I think this is my favourite Spooks fic of all time. It's really beautifully and skillfully written. Loved the final part, and the desperately sad epilogue. Thanks for writing!
CrazyMaryT chapter 3 . 9/11/2010
Lovely stuff. Thank you for sharing.
parttimeficwriter chapter 3 . 9/11/2010
I haven't read fic in some time, so long, in fact, that I had to go back and re-read the first couple of chapters as I couldn't remember what had happened! Anyway, I'm really glad I did as it was a treat to read and it reminded me why I loved the Harry and Ruth relationship so much in the first place.
This Used To Be My Account chapter 3 . 9/10/2010
A lovely ending to a lovely fic - I think that's all I need to say :)

0074 chapter 3 . 9/9/2010
Despite it making me want more of this story - which I would describe as subtle and gentle - I like the way you left things "unsaid" with plenty of room to speculate about what might be.

Thanks for the final chapter in what is a lovely reminder of series four.
eggwhisker chapter 3 . 9/8/2010
Just wonderful. Simply brilliant writing.

Your fics are always worth waiting for. Thanks so much for sharing.
Symphony In Blue chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
That was a very bittersweet but beautiful ending!
mamzalini chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
Oh! That was a wonderful ending to a beautifully written story. You wrote them just perfectly. And the feeling of hope in the epilouge was brilliant! So glad you were able to finish this! Thanks so much for sharing! Cheers!
Tentative Steps chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
This whole chapter had me so engrossed; I'm actually crying now, at that ending - it was beautiful, and lyrical, and SO, SO perfect...

Thank you.

"He raises an eyebrow and she knows what he's asking. They spend a lot of their time speaking in code. And not speaking."

- I love that line...
Tentative Steps chapter 2 . 9/7/2010
"He's till watching, still waiting"

- My breath hitched at that; wonderful
Tentative Steps chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
This was stunningly beautiful! How have I not come across it before? Looking forward immensely to reading the next section!

"There is a moment, an all too brief moment, when their fingers touch and both of them entertain the idea of voicing certain thoughts that are usually kept safely locked away."

- Wonderfully eloquent and exactly in character...
Unfinished Sympathy chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
How wonderful that you updated so soon. :)

Ruth is understandably jumpy after her ordeal. Now, this is uncanny: a couple of weeks ago the same thing occurred to me - I had a pair of gardening shears on a shelf in the hall too: what if a burglar attacked me? So Ruth's fears seem very real to me.

The spy in his car: the nosy neighbour is familiar to me too. And how sweet of Harry to check that the suspicious-looking car doesn't pose a danger to Ruth. (Lovely details!) This is indeed a spy love story. And then dreamy Harry: I think that he secretly wishes that Ruth could read his mind. :)

Grumpy Ruth shatters Harry's dream. Oh no! He seems adorably unsure of himself on her doorstep. He's aware that he's making the first move.

"I wanted to." - That made me feel very warm inside too. *hugs Harry* (Sorry, Ruth!) I love a dialogue consisting of short sentences. Somehow it feels more seductive. I adore your dialogue here.

He really does care. - Yes, short sentences are definitely more powerful. (Not only because they're easier for me to understand. ;D )

"I want to." - They both want to! And I want them to want to!

Harry's staring at Ruth unashamedly when she's not watching him. But I'm glad that he behaves in a gentlemanly manner when he helps her with the glasses. If he had touched her at that point, it would've broken the spell. They're only getting used to being in each other's company, so that would've been a step too far. (Oh dear, I seem to have turned into Mrs Grundy! What ever next?)

Speaking in code - so that's how spies flirt? And not speaking - they don't need words.

"Everything," she says, softly.

He smiles, the warmth of it reaching his eyes. "Anytime." - Purr-fect! A fic can't get much better than this!

"I'm here and you're safe." - I wish they'd had a scene like this in 4.5.

Yet again, I have to say that I'm pleased that you didn't make Harry take off his shirt (let alone make Ruth help him do it!). I'm not sure if you were even tempted to do it. Maybe you didn't even come to think about it? Like I did! I mean of course the bit where Ruth inspects his shirt buttons. You could've accidentally undressed him so very easily. *whistles innocently* But no, luckily Harry is very clever with his hands and he can undoubtedly fix the button himself. Phew! Another narrow escape! Speaking in code will have to do, for now.

At the end, it's quite clear that they can indeed read each other's minds.

This is a heartwarming chapter. Admitting to yourself that you love someone is unnerving. But what's really frightening is the distinct feeling that the one you love loves you in return. You've depicted that very subtly here.

The epilogue is melancholy. I love the fact that Scarlett didn't want him to be alone. Aaww! So, to Harry, the bottle of whisky became a symbol of their love. Let's hope they'll drink the last drop of it together.

What a beautiful ending to a classic trilogy!

Please publish when you can. I can wait: I'm a Harry and Ruth fan. And a Kate Bush fan too! :) XX
This Used To Be My Account chapter 2 . 8/18/2010
Hello! And SORRY - I have only just come to this in my mammoth fic catch up.

I think I *may* just be a teeny bit mushy. Only "may", honest...and only a "teeny bit"...honest. :P :D

I love Ruth's mental file of "Proof of Harry's Feelings" - it made me feel the same way Ruth feels. The same way we all feel in that situation. That little rush of excitement, the apprehension, the confusion...the annoyance at ourselves for dissecting everything.

And Harry *sigh* It's such a simple thing that he offers to do, but such a thoughtful touch. She can't have any doubt about where to file that.

Love Ruth and Zaf, too. I miss their banter.

More soon? I might even read it on-time if you do! :P

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