Reviews for From the Beginning
Grumbello chapter 17 . 7/21/2009
Aww, you went back and changed it, that's so nice...I didn't mean to make you change it, I just thought it was funny. You know me, I find the wierdest things to laugh at :D

I thought this was beautiful. I really, really, really, liked the part where chuck was holding onto Olive's pillow trying to inhale her scent of lavender and you wrote that the smell was beginning to fade. It was so well written. You should be really proud of this chapter mate.

Stay safe oh mighty writer! ;)

Humbly yours

Grumbello chapter 16 . 7/20/2009
Because this was absolutely wonderful, like every other chapter...and you have heard me say pretty much everything I can think of. I'm going to be a bit of a B*#!H and point out something that was relly funny to me...a bit of a typo.

'Chuck sat on the bed next to Chuck'

Don't get me wrong, I know this was just a bit of a mistake, and I am not picking on you for it, but I thought it was so funny. Cause, you know, I sit beside myself all the time ;D

Ha ha ha, I crack myself up...anyway, keep em coming. My poor little heart broke when Olive left, even though I knew it was coming.

Stay safe mate

James Birdsong chapter 15 . 7/19/2009
Awesome fifteen chapters
Grumbello chapter 15 . 7/19/2009

Well done mate...

one line stood out for me I thought it was especially special:

“I’m listening to your heartbeat,” she replied quietly, “Just making sure you’re really here.”

It was so sweet. I also like your ending line, how it made a beautiful picture in my mind:

'...the flash of the television illuminating their bodies.'

Keep going oh talented writer ;D

Stay safe

Mike chapter 15 . 7/19/2009
Aww, that was so sweet. Thank you.
fromcoldtofire chapter 15 . 7/19/2009
Good chapter :)

(I'd say something more in depth but it's 4 in the morning here and I'm having difficulty stringing together anything took 3 tries just to type all of this out lol.)
Mike chapter 14 . 7/16/2009
Amazing. Truely amazing. Well done and thank you.
Grumbello chapter 14 . 7/16/2009
Well, you just took the breath right out of me. And I really needed it to live. Damn you! ;D

Well done mate, and YES finally some cholive action...not that the filling *ha pun...get it?* wasn't bad...

You might have wanted a little warning at the start of it or something though to let people know that the page is a rockin, so no point knockin...ok? ;P But other than that it was beautiful and beautifully sad as well. Nicely done.

Keep em' comming mate, you're doing well so far.

I look forward to more soon

Stay safe

Humbly yours

Mike chapter 13 . 7/14/2009
Hurray for doing the whole series!

I love this story and I love you for writing it.

Thank you so much for doing this for all of us to read.

The first thing I do when I go on the internet is check your page for a new update and I check it again each time before I turn the computer off (not that I'm obsessed or stalking you or anything...) Many thanks
fromcoldtofire chapter 13 . 7/14/2009
Your author's note made me laugh :)

It would be awesome if you did the whole series!
fromcoldtofire chapter 12 . 7/14/2009
I can't even describe how much I love the paragraph of this (the whole chapter is great but, there's just something about that first paragraph). Usually I consider myself an angst!whore but I do love some good fluff.
Grumbello chapter 13 . 7/14/2009
Before I say anything about your WONDERFUL two chapters twelve and thirteen, let me just put in my agreement on the

"Damn you ABC" Business...

I can not believe that they cancelled the show! I was so distraught. Cause I'm in Australia, we heard about it after the sad! It's such a great show!

Now, to your review... :D

I thought it was wonderful. The cholive fluffiness in chapter twelve was so tempting, it was a massive tease...and then Chuck is so distraught. I was glad that Olive was there for her. It's hard to go through something without someone there.

Well done mate. Do what you wish with the stories direction, though it would be excellent if you did the entire series...what harm could it do? ;)

Stay safe

Courtlynn D chapter 13 . 7/14/2009
Aw! I loved the moment Olive and Chuck having a moment. The relationship is really great. Its fantastic to read this. I hope you do write the whole series, and maybe give a synopsis of what would come after that.
Grumbello chapter 11 . 7/13/2009
Well done mate.

I knew she was dreaming, I knew it and still it hurt to find she was dreaming.

But then she wasn't and they finally admitted it and I was so happy! :P So after all those ramblings... the moral of the review was well done ;D

Keep going, it can't end just's too exciting!

Stay safe mate

Courtlynn D chapter 11 . 7/12/2009
OMG! I loved this chapter! That dream sequence was WAY too intense for me. I'm so happy that they're together now! I love the way the story is going now! So is there going to be a chapter or two about their relationship and fluff and all that or what?
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