Reviews for The Purple Butterfly
lolyncut chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
I love this. I reread this from time to time. I just wish "The Powers That Be" would just put them together. We have 10 more episodes before it's over. They writers have put Emioy with some old fart named Andrew. Anyway, I love this one-shot.
Tibbies chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
haha it was gud lol im starting to wonder wat garcias got over morgan now lol. i luv tht bit bout garcia and morgan at end lol and i luv how sweet he is after they tell each other how they feel :)

myers1978 chapter 1 . 9/21/2009
That was hilarious, and sweet too )
rearviewxmirrors chapter 1 . 7/6/2009
i'm a little confused. you said that this was a part of the purple series but it seemed to me that they weren't together. Is this the first one or am i just missing something?
the-vampire-act chapter 1 . 6/26/2009
lol u gotta dmit he would look hot w/ a purple butterfly tattoo...ive written 2 stories w/ spencey and a tattoo...LOL ive become obsesseed w/ it! great story! and on my profile page, theres a sentence at the bottom that u paste into ur profile page if u think spencey needs 2 get a paurple butterfly tattoo on his lower back! yes, i have no llife
punkballet chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
A purple butterfly tattoo on Reid? Weird but kinda cool. Tramp stamp area? Again, weird, but alright. Writing style? AWESOME
wolfeylady chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
Here I am again on the floor, I'm laughing so hard! Part of the problem is, I can just picture this!
Mellow girl chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
I like this! I like the meaning of his tatoo! I'm sorry I haven't been reviewing much lately I have had camp this past week. Great Story!
REIDFANATIC chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
I can't blame Emily, who'd back away from the door when there was a chance to see Reid naked.

Never thought of Reid sporting a tattoo.

For not having a lot of experience Reid seems to know what he's doing. What a guy!

Garcia could hold so many things over so many people. It's wrong to have that kind of power! At least it's in good hands.
tearbos chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
OMG this is fab! So, so hot!

Her idea about the purple butterfly has been teasing my muse too. I'm glad to see you take it and run with it so well.


God he looks good in purple!

I felt my face getting hot right along with Emily. I can't blame her for not looking away. It would have taken all of my control to avoid jumping him right then.

Yeah, Morgan is missing a good opportunity. I wonder what she has on him...


Awesome, awesome job!
Leigh59 chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
This is great I love the meaning of the butterfly.