Reviews for What Would You Say
AthenaGirl823 chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
Cried D:
hiatus.prettymuch chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
AWH! i cried so hard... D': :'( :'(
lizzie chapter 1 . 10/10/2009

that was so sad why did you make it sad why

but otherwise great job

felt the lump in my throat forming
Flying-Platypus6 chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
I loved it but hated it at the same time! It was really gd but really sad! I still enjoyed it though :)
watin77 chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
this was depressingly good(!)
spiritypowers chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
Hello, its Annie, reviewing again.

Aw,that was so sad! I didnt expect that, since I havent seen all the Rose episodes yet. Does she really die?

The diary format makes it even sadder. I havent seen enough of the Doctor and Rose together to cry about her dying, but it kind of gave me this twisted feeling in my gut...gosh, that is so SAD.

This was really good, really great way to get into the Doctors mind. Although its so sad, and the diary format just makes it more sad and personal.

Youre right. It was NOT happy. But it was very well written, and I...well, I didnt enjoy it, because Rose died, but...well, I liked it, but not in a "it was fun and happy" kind of way. If ya know what I mean. :P

- Annie Featherpen
FlyFly Needs to sign in chapter 1 . 6/14/2009

I was ALMOST there, ALMOST about to cry

thats the second most depressing thing i've

seen today...

First was a documentary on something sad..


... :(

Brilliantly written though3

stinkyspacegirl chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
I liked it-didn't cry, but thought it was very good. You captured that helpless feeling I think we all get when someone we love dies-remembering the stupid, seemingly inconsequential things we said or did. What appealed to me is that Rose's death was so...pedestrian. Something that could happen to any of us, and yet something that she and the Doctor would never worry about because it would be almost mundane in comparison to what they lived through every day. Good job! Hope you keep writing.
Writingone chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
i cried and so am reviewing with a sopping wet keyboard that may malfunction at any minute :')

that was so adorable. oh i hate reading stories when Rose dies but this one was too good to stop.

Really great and fitted well as a sequel!
Violet Fire Krazed chapter 1 . 6/11/2009

I have a few things to say about your story here:

1) It was very well written.

2) I enjoyed it immensely

3) Here comes the really should warn of a character death.

4) You really are depressed aren't you?

(For your eyes only!: Stop Nattering me to get off the computer every two minutes! :D)
Pop chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
Brilliant. You are quite right, you are quite brilliant and I'm proud to call you my daughter. This is good stuff. This writing, however, has one problem. It sets such a high standard, how are you going to top it?