Reviews for Pedophilia
bbb136 chapter 4 . 7/22/2011
You joined the navy? You poor, poor thing. But good for you all the same.

Man I feel bad for... everybody.
iFilb3rt chapter 4 . 7/22/2011
Poor Hayner :/ he gets the worst one T.T and I don't actually understand completely what exactly Luxord did to Sora could you explain? Or is it something i have to wait to figure out? Looking forward to the next update I hope it's sooner rather than later :3
LethalRiot chapter 4 . 7/22/2011
Gah _ Oh it's been so long since i've read this :3 I had to re-read the chapters a little to remember what had happened, but yyyaaayyy, new chapter! x]

Can't wait for more~ ;P
Candy3314 chapter 3 . 7/21/2011
Oh shit! I hope next chap theres some sexy sex between Axel *crosses fingers* .
Candy3314 chapter 2 . 7/21/2011
WOOT! That's right Roxy ;) a deals a deal I hope Axel ends up doing Roxas! EK! X3
Candy3314 chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
oooooo Roxy! How dirty of u .~ tho... it is agenist his will... oh well. Axel that feel your getting is your pedo-little-Roxy's self. It wants to come out :D MWAHAHHA
ArizonaTeaMe chapter 4 . 7/21/2011
I love this story, and I can't wait to see what you have planned for it :))
starsinjars chapter 4 . 7/21/2011
woah... TOTALLY forgot about this xD

thanks for the update though!

not that i remember what's happening... xD

i l'dol at the warning. we ARE going to hell for this xD ahhh. so true.

anywho, thanks for the update, good luck with the navy, and can't wait til next update!
aomoa chapter 4 . 7/21/2011
my creys.

I...forgot about this story actually.

but now I rememeber it again, and its so..realistic and sad and heartbreaking and i hate you but kind of love you at the same time.
orange sodap0p chapter 3 . 6/5/2011
The pain they have feels so -real-. Judging from the previous chapter, I thought this one would only cover Axel and Roxas, and so I was very pleased to find that you split it between each child. Seeing how they deal with the "customers", hearing their thoughts, each one copes in a different way. These things happen, and you are brave for not only coming up with this idea, but for writing it correctly and seriously. Many other authors treat pedophilia as cute or funny, to make it sound not as bad as it is, but you don't. You research and study and shove the truth in our faces. Don't walk on those egg shells, pick em up and fucking hurl them at us readers. Keep making it -real-.

Many apologies for reviewing this practically a year after you wrote this chapter. I found it through browsing and was upset to find I didn't have it on my alerts list. Not sure if you started writing the next chapter or not, and with a quick look in the reviews, I didn't see any suggestions like you asked, so I thought I'll leave a little something. While I'm sure this will be an Axel/Roxas (it looks like it's going that way), I think it'd be interesting if Axel could keep in control and not give in to what Roxas wants, at least, not yet. Roxas may push and possibly get upset (I have done no research on the psychology of these victims or how these drugs work, so I'm winging it) but I think afterwards, he may appreciate it and then trust Axel more, deepen their friendship, yadda yadda. But that's just me. Do what feels right, I'm sure it'll rock.
bbb136 chapter 3 . 4/25/2011
I'm really impressed with this. Most authors don't treat pedophilia as a serious issue when writing a fic about it, or if they do they don't get it down right.

Your fic however is both intelligent and really well written. :P
iFilb3rt chapter 3 . 4/3/2011
I like this chapter :3 I hope you continue this. It has the potential to be a very powerful story
ArizonaTeaMe chapter 3 . 2/1/2011
Are you going to be continuing this story? I really hope you do cause it's awesome!
mei lynn 64 chapter 3 . 1/29/2011
Wow. This is amazing. I think you should continue to go the way that you're going now. I really love this fic and how it is so far. I really hope you write more of this fic too.
The Winged Huntress chapter 3 . 1/14/2011
This Is A Great Story. I would really like to see everybody get out of that hellhole and see xemnas get thrown in jail. I would really like to continue reading this story.
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