Reviews for Growing Upside Down
GiselleJonesMills chapter 9 . 5/6
I love it,I really appreciate that.
I want read more
Agnar chapter 9 . 8/14/2018
I know it's been 7 years since this was updated, but I just found the story the other day and I'm hooked. I want to know why Tempe left the Haegermans, why the Ebys were skipped, why Toyne didn't work out, and what happened with the last two foster homes! I've read hundreds of fanfics and never bothered leaving a review before, but I made an exception for this one because I've enjoyed it so much and I'm so curious to know the rest of the story. Are you planning to finish it? I really hope you are because I gotta know what happens next!
ale chapter 9 . 5/28/2017
Guest chapter 9 . 7/23/2015
this was a good story
readerkp16 chapter 9 . 2/9/2015
The thought and effort you put in this story is really noticiable and very appreciated
Guest chapter 9 . 2/16/2013
I wish you had finished this fic. I enjoyed this version of Bren's past.
Liv it up 124 chapter 9 . 6/3/2012
This is such an amazing story!poease continue it and update soon :)
Dolphin64575 chapter 9 . 5/29/2012
Stunning story, love the thought you've put into all of it. My only criticism is that hanging up a shirt with a person still in it would strangle them. But the characters are written true to themselves, the situations are (sadly) believable, and overall, this is my new Bones headcanon. :)
The Unlucky 13 chapter 9 . 12/31/2011
Very very good, one of the best foster Brennan stories I have read! Keep up the good work and, of course, update soon! :) chapter 9 . 9/24/2011
I only just found this story, and it's so good that from the moment I started reading I couldn't stop. Please update soon, I would really love to read more!
PurpleKyu chapter 9 . 9/19/2011
Wow, I am so blown away by this story. Everything is incredibly vivid and moving... I have to ask: were you yourself placed in the foster system? Or are you pulling this story from your imagination?
Mimimoon chapter 9 . 8/23/2011
I just read your story from the beginning and I think it's amazing! I really hope you will update soon! I loved it!
sea-ess-eye chapter 9 . 7/11/2011
This story is really good. I hope you will post more soon :).
Khaida21 chapter 9 . 7/7/2011
Its been a really good story

and sad and funny and this

last chapter was excellent

specially the end.

keep writing :)
mendenbar chapter 9 . 6/26/2011
Forever is fine just as long as you don't stop before the end.

I think Booth's inate chivalry is what is letting Brennan win their little races. He could easily bump her out of the way if he wanted to win that badly.
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