Reviews for Once Upon A Scraggly Christmas Tree
Dragonsrule18 chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
I love this story! It's amazing!
jeannot1978 chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Why coitainly! Rewrite it from Ash's POV, because I wanna know how he landed that Tentacool!
LoveLoverGrl chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
i luved it!
hydeandjackieforever20 chapter 1 . 7/4/2008
I love this story it's so sweet! You should write more AAML fics soon!
Shuutastic chapter 1 . 5/4/2008
Wow, that was much better than I expected. I don't really like one-shots much, but this one was very well written. Very cute and not at all typical christmas-y. Nice job.
petites sorcieres chapter 1 . 3/4/2008
Ow! So cute! I love it
MsRainey chapter 1 . 2/23/2008
That was so cute! 10/10.

Amazing! .
Steve chapter 1 . 8/30/2007

Best christmas story ever! Totally Un-cliche!


I really love your stories, I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of "Phantom!"

Well done!
prettygirl17 chapter 1 . 5/9/2007
Wow! That was great! So sweet! Thank you for writng it!
latina gurl chapter 1 . 12/23/2006

that was so cute/ramantic!

i loved it!

what i thought was funny was the triuble Ash manages to get himself in(I love Ash dont worry still a pokeshipper or amml fan)

and waht i though was cute was the ending its really good the way you put Ash in a nervouse position.

but later became more also the way you keep the charectar's personallity.


Kitten Kisses chapter 1 . 9/13/2006
This is old. I mean, this is so old, I'm surprised FFN hasn't "accidently" deleted it like they used to like to do when they upgraded the site.

Er...ignore my ramblings.

The title is what caught my eye. I mean, seriously. It's so not-serious and weird. Plus, it made me laugh. And I'm so tired I could sleep for a week (though I'm not in a humorous mood at all).

He's not the "Crunchiest cornflake in the box"? Oh my. What an analogy! Though a very good one if you ask me. I'll have to start using it now. The way she's topic-hopping in the letter reminds me of my reviews. ...Yeah.

I'm just laughing over here, because Ash sent his letter out way ahead of time. The guy is crazy, believing in Santa even now. HAHA!

Ash chased his :D

Fritos. I wonder if Pikachu ate them with ketchup? Fritos...Frito Bandito... Creepy.

Poor Brock is a loser (oh how I love him anyway), and only has a few presents. How sad.

"Easy Breezy Beautiful Me"? LMAO. I almost, ALMOST expected to hear him finish with "Covergirl", rather than "Me". Your sense of humor rocks, and frankly, it fits in so well. It makes the story seem more real-life.

I read something wrong first, and I laughed, and backtracked to see that it wasn't really supposed to be funny. It was the line where Ash says he used a Friend Ball to catch it, and I read "though I doubt that he will", rather than "Though I don't doubt that he will". HAHA.

Hee. The ending was cute. It had me smiling this big ole stupid grin that just makes people want to hit me.

Great work, and, even though it's old, I have to favorite it. You know I do. AWESOME work. :D
IamFishCrashing chapter 1 . 6/23/2006
DestinyDeoxys chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Awsome! You're too modest! This was a really great fic! One of the best Xmas fics I've read so far!
Ash Eyes chapter 1 . 2/27/2006
omg! that is absouloutly so cute and adorable and loving and AH!
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