Reviews for Blind as a Bat
Amela333 chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
Wow, that was so beautifully sad. Very well-written too! Yes, I cried when they died! And yes, I realize I'm reviewing a year-and-a-half old fic, but I just had to; it's that good!
x.x.Beth C.x.x chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
That was beautiful, well done.
AtomicCola chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
This is good writing. I must admit I did cry when Mr. Crepsley died but not when Arra dies, this fic made me cry.

Also this is one of my favourite Meat Loaf songs XD
agdnkeodb chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
That was SO sweet and sad :( And it's nice seeing the characters written differently to the way we maybe know them in canon sometimes, so don't worry about that. It was a good choice of song, too, I thought ;D

Looking forward to more fic from you soon (?) !

notwisefox chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
*Raises hand* I cried when they died! I love LartenxArra too; they are THE best.

This was awesome; I loved it! It was so beautiful.

Please do more!

Rowan Rawr. X
VioletQuigley chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
i love how you put in so much emotion to the story! so touching! ) this is great! ) but i don't know the song. lol. but it's so great, whether or not based on the song! -
Pixie chapter 1 . 6/4/2009 is me. Obviously. Very sweet/depresingly romantic. I have faults though. One, you can't seem to write a cheerful story. I will tempt you with whatever chocolate I have on my person tomorrow into writing something vaguely uplifting. Two, Larten would not sit around howling the whole time but would cry quietly by himself then pick up and move on. And Arra would not have got so soft at the end. She was a bitch... an admirable bitch none the less, but still a bitch. Three. Well. I have forgotten what three was. Hang on..."He kissed her, gently pressing his lips to hers" can I just have a moment to tut at that? Because if Larten ever did that then I would eat my schoolbag.