Reviews for Devil May Care
mickynoodles chapter 16 . 4/10/2019
"Goodbye you idiot"
mickynoodles chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
Is Merlin really Gaius' nephew?
Guest chapter 18 . 8/24/2015
very good story i enjoyed it very much :)
Sorcerecy 101 chapter 14 . 11/24/2013
Great story. Arthur's a little OOC though but it's not a big deal I guess. Keep on writing! :)
HaveACuppaT chapter 18 . 9/6/2013
This is a really awesome story! Going on to read the sequel now! :)
PhantomBowtie chapter 15 . 2/3/2013
k...its really suspenseful!
noukinav018 chapter 18 . 1/7/2013
I knew it, from the moment Arthur told them to just turn it back to the sea I thought that it would have been better if Merlin had destroyed it with magic once and for all. No! They'll bring those nasty sorcerers back :(
Still they're no match for Emrys! I hope Merlin tells the prince the truth.
Do keep writing!
noukinav018 chapter 17 . 1/7/2013
Huh? Yah what Merlin says makes sense. I don't think Nimueh could return. Merlin literally destroyed her with the power of Life and Death...Merlin is Emrys and his body was intact save for the bruise.
noukinav018 chapter 16 . 1/7/2013
My goodness how could you make me cry so much?
Merlin should have destroyed it from the beginning when he read that Nimueh was involved.
noukinav018 chapter 15 . 1/7/2013
Omg you made me cry so much! But this can't be! Emrys is too important to just die because a miserable cube. Surely his instinctive magic will play a move.
I need tissues.
noukinav018 chapter 14 . 1/7/2013
I'm exasperated! Really Merlin! You're Emrys for crying out loud! They can't kill Emrys right?
Beside the point, why doesn't he go to Kilgharrah?!
Why doesn't the great dragon call him for goodness sake!
Not fair! *sobs*
There must be something. This sounds like what happened with the unicorn.
noukinav018 chapter 13 . 1/7/2013
Aaaw isn't this all fluffy?
Arthur is a cute prat. The nightmarechild?
Nimueh fortunate. Why everything cursed is to be on Arthur's hand? Hmm, but Emrys is Emrys and more than Nimueh! Sooo he needs to find out what curses to break,but to do so I'm afraid he'll have to reveal the prince of his magic. Will he do it or not? Sooo I'll just stay tunned and find out!
Aaw I love Merlin. Such a practical man to rename apparently useless books XD ROTFL

My favorite part besides Arthur being cute:
Book after book was scanned under Merlin's watchful eyes. He read 'The History Of Ancient Artefacts', 'Many Men's Adventures At Sea' and a book called 'Interesting Facts About Greek Temples And Relics', which Merlin had to rename 'Boring Rubbish About Nothing In Particular'.

And talking about the sea, what happened to the blabbering man that was with the prince and the warlock when they went fishing?
noukinav018 chapter 12 . 1/7/2013
Aaaw isn't this just adorable? I dropped a couple of tears. Indeed, Uther would have an apoplexy at the prospect that a servant could turn into a prince XD
Haha the art of bragging taught to Merlin? How amusing...
noukinav018 chapter 11 . 1/7/2013
Ok this is getting really creepy for Arthur. How in the world are they going to get him back to normal? Oops, did he just hurt Merlin unwittingly?
Oh and thank you for not making this a slash story. It is so rare to find bromance in fiction now. Besides I don't even understand what's with the slash for these two. They're siblings actually. It is actually not sensible to do something like that with guys that view each other as a brother for goodness sake.
Now I feel myself to rant a bit! Bear with me please :)
I detest when they do the same for Sherlock and John, Thor and Loki, Darcy and Bingley, House and Wilson, Merlin and Arthur etc. It's annoying and ridiculous. But the worst is when they even attempt to do the same on the chronicles of Narnia between the Pevensie siblings...and that's obnoxiously appalling **faints**
noukinav018 chapter 10 . 1/7/2013
My goodness that's just sad. There's no way I'm willing to accept that those dreams will come to happen, not the one where Arthur is in Merlin's grave. That wouldn't be fair at all.
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