Reviews for On and On
LovelyLadyAllie chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
OMG this is so absolutely perfect! I hear all of their voices in my head and it played out like a fantastic episode I wish they had aired! Can't decide if my favorite line is the one Abby says about having a pantry or Ray saying her tastes in music is beyond repair! I burst out laughing at both. Thank you for this wonderful fic!
cmtaylor531 chapter 1 . 6/1/2011
I love it. God i miss Ray and Neela. Im glad we got there ending but im sad it never really got to play out on screen.
aprilf00l chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
yay!, I enjoyed this one very much!
kimley109 chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
I have now read all your stories...and am seriously addicted!

I agree with everything all these guys have said and am hoping that there will be more to come...I need my ER roomies fix!

I love how you fill in all the blanks, all the scenes/stories that we would've loved to have seen in the show...Keep it up!

And thanks, your stories make for very enjoyable reading and escapism! :-)
nzhome chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
I haven't reviewed the last two of your stories and now I feel bad as I haven't seen your name pop up in a while. Don't think I haven't read the stories or that I didn't enjoy them, I just can't think of a different way to say I love them and you have the characters spot on. Guess that is why I am a reader not a writer. Plus just by being on FF I am getting further down the slippery slope of hurrendous procrastination that is assignments. Eek! Truely hope to see more of your ray and neela soon. Love them almost as much as the real thing.


ps fav line, ray - beyond repair. It's exactly the sort of thing my cocky husband would say. If only he looked like Ray he might get away with it...
browneyedgirl21 chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
Great story! You really captured the characters well. I really like your style of writing, hopefully we'll see more Reela stories from you in the future! :)
modscho chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
Whenever I read one of your fics I can hardly find the right words to describe what I feel. You always write them so perfectly true in character, that's absolutely awesome.

I loved every bit of it and I'm sure that is what happended after Neela went to the hospital. They needed so many years to get to that point so it certainly won't run all smoothly from then on. I esp loved how she admitted her jealousy and of course the convo with Abby - Abby and Neela were great together and I always loved Abby for being so straight.

Can't wait for your next one - I simply can't :D
Alice Marshall chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
Loved. It.

Realistic about the ups and downs of negotiating the path to commitment, the best (and saddest) line: "that kind of naked need only gets you hurt in the end."

awesome details as always.

my.silly.heart chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
Yet another one of your awesome stories. I really admire how you get inside the heads of the characters and stay so prefectly true to them. This was so Neela with all her thoughts and fears. When I read your stories I actually see Neela and Ray in front of my inner eye, which is very rare. I also thought, that the ending was just perfect. Looking forward to more!
Beth Pryor chapter 1 . 5/29/2009
I'm always excited to read your stories and this is one of the best so far, I think. You capture the emotions and the reality of starting a new, old relationship so wonderfully. I especially love the way you break each character down separately and then show them interacting together as well. And finally, I loved the line, "Ray's just trying to maintain." Excellent work!
MonaDelMar chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
Really enjoyed this.

Put simply. Wow!
jontinf chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
It is amazing how you’re able to get these stories out every week! A post-season 15 story as well.

I liked that you weren’t afraid to delve into the tension and trust issues, while still maintaining that level of play that’s always been there in the relationship. A lot of the scenes were uncomfortable to read, but in a good way, in an effective way. I think we all want them to have lived happily ever after she came to his hospital. You extended the story both realistically and by staying true to the characters—and there was lots of sex, which is never a bad thing.

Your characterization of Abby is thoroughly great. The Neela/Abby a dynamic I always found interesting on its own on the show. I don’t know quite why, but I love how Neela just says that she’s jealous. That was just awesome. I was touched by her seeing the wheelchair, the bringing up of how the only time he admitted loving her was out of spite, and that guilt still being there—that’s such a big thing to have to carry around. Also, how he notices her, to see if she likes it in Baton Rouge. This is weird, but I loved the descriptions of Louisiana weather. I visited Baton Rouge for barely day a few years ago, it was mostly driving, but the weather and the terrain had such an effect on me. And, Neela’s taste in music makes me cringe and giggle at the same time.
starryjen chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
Loved it, just the perfect amount of themness about it all, the bickering, the stropping, the love, excellent.
BubbleToes94 chapter 1 . 5/27/2009
Amazing as always. I didn't want it to end! You took them on a journey and threw in some good old Ray/Neela angst in a very realistic take on how things may be for them now as they try to begin to establish their relationship and find their bearings. "His smell on the bed sheets, the pressure of his body behind her as he squeezes by in the kitchen: any petty contact is enough to drive her mad" -love it! You have them both down so well, you're spot on with the characters (as always). Absolutely love it, hoping to read many more from you and of course you made my day when I saw you'd posted a new one!
Kay20 chapter 1 . 5/27/2009
Brilliant like usual, and I love the fact that this story continues the Reela story like we talked about in our emails! Thank you for doing this, loved it.

In particular, I love how you write their banter. It's spot on.
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