Reviews for Too Poetic: Even for Him
Micah Rodney chapter 1 . 3/21/2010
To be honest, this one was a little over my head in terms of what exactly is going on (my FF7 knowledge is limited to FF7, Last Order, DoC and AC. I've only played a bit of Crisis Core so I was unaware of this connection.)

Even with the events slightly beyond my grasp this is still an incredible read; your aforementioned skill with wordplay making it worthwhile.

Very good!
xoVanilla-Bean chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
ZOMG. This was...this was just...

And GenesisxRosso? I've never even thought about them. And then all of a sudden, you write it. AND NOW I THINK I LOVE THEM. I mean, seriously? They have components that match up so well, and I can feel the romance/almost romance between them, and it's almost destructive. At least, to me anyway. XD

This was so poetic, and it completely captures them because they really are. Or, they are in the sense of how you captured them. It was totally genius, too. Her falling.

And I AM going to give you constructive criticism. I..AM! ..

*coughs* Okay, so maybe I've read this a few unnecessary times and COULDN'T find anything wrong..

Which just goes to show ya that your writing skillz are AMAZING. I really love your style. Even though, this is the only example of it that I've read. : Gonna change, promise.

I like the vague-ness that you incorporated, too. At least, /I/ thought they were vague. But they made me think, and I love when stories make me think over them. :)

I especially liked this line:

"LOVELESS has shown him futures before, endings unfolding in its pages, but this one does not quite fit. Where went the glorious maiden? The Acts forget her, as the Acts forget Angeal’s puppy."

I don't really know why, but I guess it's how you said that she was forgotten (as well as Zack. I him. x3).

I hope you write this pairing/go into them again! I'll be looking forward to it. ;)
Skykhanhunter chapter 1 . 5/21/2009
I read it, I liked it. I'm beginning to be somewhat intrigued by this pairing.

regards Skykhanhunter
Alkonost Storm chapter 1 . 5/20/2009

I was kind of put down when I saw "Tragedy" but... this is actually pretty good. I think I started something! XD

Rosso has always puzzled me, she's the kind of person I would hate and yet she totally appeals to me as a character. Instead of hating her, I just feel sorry for her and the life she was forced to lead.

It won't be up yet but I am planning a multichapter story with Krynn-Meridia with Rossis as the main pairing: it's AU in a sense that Rosso was not in Deepground but in SOLDIER (and Genesis is her mentor...I'm sure he wasn't thinking when he made that decision). And there will be crack, lots of it. There will probably be serious parts, but it's mostly an attempt at Rossis crackfiction.