Reviews for Toil and Trouble
Dustyn chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Eeeek! Sneaky Ginny!
Nyago chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
OH... oh this is simply lovely. I want more than just this one shot however... XD What exactly did she manage that is good, very good! I can see Ginny pulling that!

Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
bethster102 chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
Is this a (very, very) distant sequel to Red Ember? D and G's dynamic has some similarities.
Vacare chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
I really enjoyed this fanfic A LOT! I know the snake/lion metaphors are used often, but you really did a great job with them here. I loved your figurative language; your excellent description painted a pretty picture of the story in my head. However, I was a little confused as to what Draco and Ginny's relationship was before this event, and how it was related to her job...? But overall, it was very well written! Best wishes, Vacare

P.S. I am working on my own Draco/Ginny fanfic, and I would love your input once I have edited/posted it!
LynseyWhitlock chapter 1 . 1/26/2011
I can't guess the world, and that makes me feel like a failure. Lol. But I did love it!
shieldmaidenoftherohirrim chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
Oh, fantastic!

I would give you a longer review detailing exactly why I love this story, but I'm so incredibly tired I can't.

I'll just say I loved it. :)
Eternally Seventeen chapter 1 . 9/14/2009

Loved the way yo have associated Ginny's behaviour with that of the cat and mouse, and Draco's proclamation of those who played with snakes getting bitten. amazing imagery, too. Well done! :)
yasy chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
that was a good story. nice one!
sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
OH! Best ending ever. XD

Man, Ginny sure was making her way up the Ministry's ladder. Successful, she is.

This has to be one of the first times where I saw Ginny actually AFRAID of Draco. Like, she seriously wanted to get out of his way. Strange, but intriguing.

OO! Ginny pulled some strings to do the treaty. SCANDALOUS.

GINNY'S PREGGO. -is shocked- Well, what goes around, comes around, love. u_u

Haha! Such a Draco way to get what he wanted. Well, at least they both get something good out of this-each other. :D

I LOVED this one. It was great!

Cadaverous Apples chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
Okay, you've already caught me in the second sentence. I have to admit that the words "champagne flute" always make me smile a little, for some reason. I think it's because they just fit so lovely together. *sighs happily*

Two slight annoyances: in the fourth paragraph, because of FFN's weird spacing, at the end both of the "Wizarding"'s line up perfectly. This is just me being weird, but I twitched when I saw that. Also, Draco's thoughts shouldn't be in quotations; they should be in italics, or however you'd like to convey his thoughts.

Your introduction to Ginny does speak of some kind of backstory, so either it's hidden in that fic you mentioned in your AN, or you should write it, because I'd love to see how Ginny's turned into this magnificent foreign affairs specialist (I have no idea what the title actually is). And your use of bastion made me love you all the more!

I am so curious about the backstory behind Draco and Ginny. How do they know each other, besides in Hogwarts? It seems as if there's more if Ginny's fingering her wand (I liked how Draco noticed that) when she looks at him, almost a warning but more like a tell-tale sign of her wariness. Why is she avoiding him?

Ginny's tapping of the champagne glass-would that be using magic to de-alcohol it? Why, then? Would it be because she's trying to stay sober despite everyone else's levity?

I love Draco's take-charge no-questions-asked approach to dancing. Haha, he made me laugh when he "asked" her to dance and basically said there wasn't going to be any debate about it.

I'm guessing that the prompt had something to do with toil and trouble, or you're just amazing like that and used those words anyway. I love their snarky conversation.

And ohmygod she's pregnant! At least she's not pregnant with LUCIUS' child. *glares*

...okay, I'll admit I panicked and read the rest of it really quickly to make sure that it wasn't Lucius' child. I really can't believe you did that. STILL.

"I was thinking marriage." Such a cute thing to say! She's expecting the worst (or, jokingly expecting the worst), and he says it like it's a punishment. Haha. I really can't think of any stories this would be in, but it might be that one oneshot you have that I haven't read that you wrote for the last exchange. Was it that one? Because I know it's not RE, and it isn't that blasted Ara, either...

Anyway, loved it as usual. :)
imadoodlenoodle chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
Very well played. I like how you tied in the 'double dose of some pretty powerful trouble.' But of course, that was the whole point.

I had the feeling there was a story I was missing, I guess it's in another fic?

As a stand alone it was good, it is difficult to create their relationship, I believe, and get them to marriage in a one-shot but because of the references to their history, you've pulled it off.

blurry-blurb chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
Oh, I loved the last line!

I loved these lines, too:

“You’re a bastard.”

“No, but apparently my child will be.”

Is this a prequel sort of thing to Ara? Because there is a girl in Ara, but no Ginny.

I love the way this has been written. He is like a snake, watching her (his prey). And then she sees him watching her and she's visibly uncomfortable.

Gosh, I love the way you write! Keep writing many more such good stories. _
GesWho chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
I just LOVE your writing so very, very, very much. ACH! THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE!

I'm dying from reading all these short stories.
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