Reviews for Like Breathing
VioletBiFemme chapter 1 . 8/21/2019
Nice realistic snippet.
Happy2BeDee chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Kayenes chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
Beautiful and subtly intimate. Loved it.
Mahtalie chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
Ohhh this is perfect! You captured them both beautifully - thank you SO MUCH for keeping them in character! This is one to re-read. Lovely.
myeyesareasblueastheocean chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
I LOOOOOOOOVVVEEE it! Wow. Just, wow. You got the characters right, you had an amazing plot. I didn't want it to end! It wasn't cheesy, yet it showed the strong emotional ties these two have. Phenomenal. I'm going to stalk your profile now, fyi. You must have more of these beautiful nuggets somewhere. chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
This is so cute! I love it. You should write more to it.
electric wannabe chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
I have the worst cold in the world today, and I'm all itchy eyed and sniffly and have a runny nose and runny eyes, and am in bed on the iPod touch right now, and just figured out it automatically makes the p in iPod a capital and... That's funny and this is far too off topic and basically writing itself right now. But I just wanted to say I feel like death but this made me feel warm inside *rolls eyes* and I really wish I had an Elliot whose heartbeat would send me to sleep right now. :'( although yanno, if I read this again it might help me drift off (in a very verygood way that is) the letters are starting to go blurry now, and I don't remember what I've written so I'm sorry, but this is magical. :)
movieholic chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
I liked it, a lot. It was very simple, and believable. Great writing, so thanks for sharing this with us readers.