Reviews for Parent Trap
Exodus12345 chapter 19 . 7/19/2019
Hmm this seems to be getting darker, are the people in the mansion going to die? I was reading this because it was lighthearted and fun, now I am not so sure.
Revy679 chapter 43 . 6/18/2018
Oh wow! I literally stayed up all night to read this story! I couldn't put it down! Best parent trap version ever! my heart was so happy reading this! 1xR romance and family is the best! I love how you included the whole gundam crew in this story and how they were all pretty much family. You made it 'awww' worthy without the sap. Haha! I love all your original characters... they worked so well together! When I wasn't laughing or in squeee or awwww mode I was on the edge of my seat! Duo is great and the Wufei moments were funny. Heero being a dad and such the perfect man for Relena...I swear my heart bursts! You wrote all of the characters so well! I really liked Donavan. I loved the correlations you clearly made between him and Heero. Him watching Rhea from the stage behind the curtin at the end...sooooo full circle to Heero doing that for Relena. Omg that got me! This whole story got me in ALL the feels! Bravo, bravo!
Guest chapter 43 . 4/8/2017
Dam that was good
eli ventura chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
helow im like you ficcs is very beatifull tankiube for made one fics of relena and hero i like you relacion ship of love is beatifull bay bay
Fer82 chapter 43 . 2/20/2016
Well they certainly doesnt waste much time and make the family bigger... LOL. It was a good way to end the story (minor correction its epilogue not prologue) was a really good and fun voyage this one; thank you very much for your effort and time.

Take care.
ArawnNabell chapter 43 . 2/19/2016
Hell yes, a mini heero. The galaxy will tremble in fear lol. Love it
ArawnNabell chapter 42 . 2/19/2016
Lol now that is how you end a good story. This has been one crazy ride that I have enjoyed.
Fer82 chapter 42 . 2/19/2016
Welp seven years its a harsh sentence but nevertheles one that its logic. One its a child the other just a teenager, so time can change things between those two or not. But its good that they recognize the implications. And finally grandma see the light.
Fer82 chapter 41 . 2/12/2016
Well Manning did get out "easy" as for the other asshole, i hope a least some broken bones, finally the family will be together, now if the grandmother can come to her senses. I took you long (almost seven years) but at least we are in the last part. But you keep writting tgis story thanks.
ArawnNabell chapter 41 . 2/12/2016
Quinton is going to be drinking fried chicken through a crazy straw for a long while after that one. It's funny how heero can see how alike he and Don are and knows what's going to happen.
Fer82 chapter 40 . 2/7/2016
Of course, their uncles are paranoid enough to actually teach the girls things like that. Make two chapters please.

ArawnNabell chapter 40 . 2/6/2016
Leave it to to a pair of highly intelligent twins to get the job done. Loved every minute of this story and can wait for the fanalie.
salimaran08 chapter 39 . 2/2/2016
great action! well written! I'm loving it more and more!
Keep it up please!
Loki chapter 39 . 2/1/2016
Donovan's name is Do No Van.
That is weird stuff right there.
Human names are funny!
Fer82 chapter 39 . 1/31/2016
Damn cliffh arhggggg... please continue soon. Thanks
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