Reviews for Not Bad At All
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
You did good ;)
Violentshadow chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Good job
Sonic chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
This story is pretty good. Although in reality, Blaze really DOES love Sonic, but is just too shy to admit it.
Riflemen526 chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
Yayyyyyyyy T'was the greatest story ever told.

Honestly though I really did enjoy this pairing. There's so few sonXaze fictions out there which makes it quite refreshing from the standard sonXamy or sonXsally.
Unknownlight chapter 1 . 11/14/2009


I remember reading this fic long ago. I think I saw it on the first page of the Sonic archive back when you first published it. I never realized until just this moment that you wrote it! Hah!

But anyway, Bureizu basically has already said all my criticisms, although none of them are very useful since you gotten much better at writing since you've written this. ...So yeah. See you, and update Dark please. )
SONIC LOVER GIRL chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
Great story!I hope you can write some more Sonaze (Sonic x Blaze).
SpeedDemonGirl chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
Hm...well, it was a cute little interlude, that much I'll say.

Blaze...I was dissappointed in. Mainly because she wasn't her whole "tough-girl" self, but that was really it.

Also, Blaze sorta came out of the blue all of a sudden, maybe you should at least mention something such as what she's doing there.

All in all though, I shall say again, it was cute! x3
ADarknessInHeaven chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
...Not bad. Only complaint was that (Yeah...I have a tendency to say this with most one shots, greatest apologies.) it seemed a little too short. But it was short, sweet, and dead on, with the complaints of Sonic, and Blaze's comfort, along with the romance at the end, this was a satisfying story to read, and I'm sure I will read it again. Keep up the good work!


aka: Sam
Da Fixer chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
Not bad, not bad at all. I'll be honest I have no idea about the story behind Blaze, but this is interesting anyways. A good, lighthearted quick read.

[raises glass] A toast t'ya!

-Da Fixer
GIGA-XISBASS chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
fhfhfhhhrh chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
Quite interesting. However, where did Blaze come from? Remember, she lives in a different dimension. You could have mentioned how Blaze came out of the blue, and started to comfort Sonic. It was good, in my opinion, and I think the longer you write the more you shall improve. At the beginning, you mentioned Amy being twirled around. Some readers have probably not played 'Sonic Unleashed' yet, and probably haven't got a clue what you are writing. You don't have to write a load of massive paragraphs, to describe what is going on. Just give a brief explanation. Also, describe Sonic's surroundings. Is it dark? Bright? Gloomy?

You got Sonic correctly. He is damn slow when he's a werehog, and I'm pretty sure he'd be irritated by that. Good job! I don't think I was much help there at all, but if you have a problem PM me. I'm glad to help.