Reviews for Redemption
Emo4 chapter 31 . 6/22
I enjoyed the story but I wasn't really feeling the epilogue.
USNeshama chapter 31 . 4/18
Had to re-read. Thanks for writing!
Shawna chapter 16 . 8/24/2019
Another great chapter. Again, I liked how Jasper mentioned his part in the Civil war and how his family were slave traders. I'm surprised that Jasper hated the blacks as much as his family did! He didn't see them as human and just like the newborn vampire army, thought the slaves were disposable! But I'm glad to see he now regrets his attitude towards the poor slaves. I really love how you've incorporated bits of the actual history of the Civil War into your story with part of Jasper's back story being that his family owned slaves and mistreated them and treated them like animals much like how it actual was in the Civil War! You should consider writing a story based off this idea about Jasper's human life where his family owned slaves and how poorly he treated them before he went off to join the war and later how much he regrets his actions. I wish this had been part of Jasper's actual backstory in Eclipse! It would've been very interesting to read! Please consider writing a story about this idea! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 15 . 8/24/2019
Another great chapter. the dream that Bella had about Edward was so sad! I also like the scene with Bella and Charlie. Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 14 . 8/24/2019
Another wonderful chapter. I loved how Jasper and Bella spoke about how he saved her life and how much they really need each other and I loved how Bella bit Jacob's head off and told him to get out of her life, like the selfish, crazed, bipolar animal he is! Keep up the great work!
Shawna chapter 13 . 8/24/2019
Wow! This was another tough chapter to read! The hardest part was the end where Jasper's reading Alice's will and last love letter to him! That was heart-breaking! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 12 . 8/24/2019
Another great chapter! Poor Jasper and Charlie are distraught over Bella's accident with the deer! I hope Bella will be okay as well as Jasper and Charlie! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 11 . 8/24/2019
Oh no! Bella's hurt! I hope she's okay after nearly hitting that deer, though her injuries did sound bad. I'm glad Jasper finally came to the realization that he needs Bella just as much as she needs him. I hope he makes it to Bella in time! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 10 . 8/24/2019
Wow! I can't believe the remaining Cullens would actually up and leave Forks like that! But I'm glad Jasper stayed behind for both his and Bella's sake. They both need each other now more than ever! I hope things work out for them both and they can help each other heal from the pain! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 9 . 8/24/2019
Another great chapter. I'm glad Jasper and Bella finally got the chance to talk to each other without Bella breaking down in grief or Jasper screaming at her in anger. And for the first time, since Edward and Alice died, Bella laughed! Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 8 . 8/24/2019
Wow! I can't believe Jasper decided to come visit Bella after he yelled at her the last time they met. I hope all goes well between them this time! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 7 . 8/24/2019
Another great chapter! Ow! Jacob really hurt Bella! He was so mean! I mean, she came to him for help, for comfort, for a distraction from the death of Edward and Alice, for a distraction from her heart-break and he kicked her while she was down! I would love to punch that jerk right in the throat for his vicious attitude toward Bella! Then to add salt to the wound, he tells her Victoria's back and the pack won't protect her! That she's on her own if Victoria attacks her! What a jerk! I'm just glad Jasper smelled Victoria and killed her before she had a chance to lay a finger on Bella! Way to go, Jasper! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 6 . 8/24/2019
Oh no! Victoria's around! What will Jasper do when he encounters her? Is she still after Bella? I'm glad you didn't go into a ton of heart-wrenching detail about Alice and Edward's funeral, so it made it easier to read. It was still sad, though. Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 5 . 8/24/2019
Aaawww! How sad! Bella's getting ready for Alice and Edward's funeral! The memory of Alice buying Bella the blue, sapphire dress as she pulled it out of her closet was heart-breaking! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 4 . 8/24/2019
Another marvelous chapter. It was heart-wrenching to see Carlisle's and Esme's heart-broken reactions to their son's and daughter's deaths. Keep up the good work.
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