Reviews for Brothers
Devin Trinidad chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
Wonderful fic. I alsways havea soft spot for stories that star regular human beings, bonus points here due to the use of an actual figure in Italian history. I’m not too knowledgeable about the Risorgimento, but I can clearly say that hat I love the dedication that the brothers both show at the end of the story.

Great job and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Feyna chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
This story is so good! I love the way you portrayed Feliciano and Lovino, how you showed their different personality through their actions and Mameli’s eyes. The part about Lovino coming to term with the unification and what his brother means for him was really touching. And your take on the origin of Italian Anthem was very original, and fit perfectly the whole story! On top of that, the way you write is very good. Thanks for writing this! (and sorry for my English)
FicAddic chapter 1 . 4/28/2016
Fratelli d'Italia, how absolutely wonderful. It's an amazing concept!
Emmy chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
A unique story! it was very well written! You should do more Italy and Romano
Colorful and Free chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
That was great. I could really feel the desire of the two bros wanting to be together here. Together as one nation.

"Until we reach what we're dreaming of, we won't stop."

Truly inspirational. :)
MentalMeles chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Beautifully written. Definitely worth my time!
Dawnshine chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
You're really good at creating atmosphere!Heehee
Korrosive chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
This story is great! Really brotherly, warm story, which I like. :D It's nice to see Feli and Lovi act brotherly and nice towards each other. This story definitely deserves more reviews!
MelanieVimpula chapter 1 . 3/27/2011
This was... BEAUTIFUL~

Seriously, you made me cry. ...But it's just good, I like crying~ It helps me sleep better!

Whenever it's brotherly or something more, Itacest is always so wonderfully wonderful to me! *huggle*
Yuzuki-chan6277 chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
*adds to favorites list* Can't resist brotherly love! And the historical accuracy is really interesting.
LittlePorcelain chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
Oh, oh, /oh/! How inspiring!... Lovely, simply lovely...
Miss Chelle chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
i love lovi/feli brotherly fics. They make me so happy.

And this was really well written. the banter between the two brothers was perfect. Great job!
Rena Monika chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
イタリア兄弟が大好きです!(I really like the brothers of Italia!)

How cute they are,Feli and Lovi!However,this fanfic makes me heavy but also warm.I'm always touched,when the close people-whether lovers or friends,Specially brothers and sisters-fight against something or towards something together and so on...

I really like this fanfic with heavyly historical atmosphere in it and wanna share it with more APH-fans in my may I have your permission to translate it into CHINESE and as many of my friends who love they both but may not be able to read it in English?Of course,i promise that no money will be made from it.

I would be happy if U could kindly let me know whether it is OK for me to do it.

so once again finally:be together forever,Feli and Lovi~

GJ!Come on~more interesting stories!
Heosic-chan chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
I like how you incorporated history! The brother get along so well, in their own way :)
Tapchan91 chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
Wow... I haven't read something this decent in a long time :D I really loved it :) Great job :)
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