Reviews for Expect the Unexpected, Manny's Story
Fiarillo chapter 27 . 6/10
Love me some Manny. Good job!
Kim's Mum chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
Just had to reread this story, one of my favourites
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
I’m a total Babe but this was a great story! You are a very talented writer.
Fiarillo chapter 28 . 3/26/2018
It was good to read a story where the guy doesn't turn into a romantic mush.
Blistful2006 chapter 28 . 2/17/2017
I love when you see a pairing where it's not all easy to get to the HEA as real life isn't t always rosy. I enjoyed watching their journey and that Steph side was pretty darn realistic for a commitment phobe and someone who has dealt with unfaithfulness. So sad to see it end as it so much about just being together and facing how her life is that I'd love to see. Very beautifully written.
PhillyGirl27 chapter 28 . 12/5/2016
Alf, you created a wonderful tale of intrigue and romance. Your Manny was flawed and very real. Your Steph was affected and haunted by her past relationships. Thank you for showing us how true healing and growth can happen to make an adult satisfying marriage. -Kathy
brandyrennu chapter 28 . 11/3/2015
I have to say I really didn't like Manny in some parts of the story. He's the quiet one kind one in other stories. But you did a great job getting him to the place that I love him again. Can't wait to read more great job.
Guest chapter 28 . 2/17/2014
Whilst this story about Stephanie/Manny was a departure from your normal style, I found it a very compelling read. I enjoyed reading about their "adventures" from Manny's POV. I liked the premise of your story of a long term, deep cover op. The romantic in me, was quite pleased to have read their HEA. THANK YOU for such an incredible story of action/adventure/angst/romance. Cheers!
shirley.jones.50999 chapter 1 . 9/27/2013
I know its been some time since you published this, but I have to tell you it is one of my FAVORITE stories. I love how you "personalized" Manny.

I really hope that you can throw one or two more stories out here.

We miss you.

the newest daughter chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Ok i want to know what is going on with her and Ranger
Shangdragon chapter 28 . 1/17/2013
Love this story! I even read it all in one afternoon because I just couldn't stop. Your characterization of Manny was great and I really enjoyed reading it from his perspective. I definitely wasn't expecting the twist about Miguel but it made so much sense and tied the story together beautifully. The relationship between Manny and Steph was so sweet and so well written. I loved all the cracks about Manny's age and his annoyance at them. The little things that they did to show their intimacy as a couple that were second nature were beautifully depicted and really portrayed how the relationship just crept up on them. I laughed at Steph sneaking into Manny's bed long before he realized it. Such a priceless gem! Those are just a few of the specifics I enjoyed. Thanks for writing and posting this story, I really enjoyed reading it!

P.S. The first time I saw your profile pic I thought I was crazy because I recognize the actor and totally did not expect it. Just another thing that made me smile ;)
MaddyMoo82 chapter 28 . 11/7/2012
I just stumbled upon this story and I must say it is now one of my favorites on this site. You wrote Manny so well not just the character but the male perspective. It was very believable the way he thought and talked and acted..

It was a story with many ups and downs defiantly kept me on my toes. However that part about his son was utterly heartbreaking I shed a tear or two. And I was glad they got their HEA!

Just a wonderful story through and though. I can't give it enough praises. I hope one day you get inspiration and write a sequel *hint hint*!
stephfan6511 chapter 28 . 10/24/2012
I just found this story and absolutely loved it! Great job!
georgiagirlagain chapter 28 . 9/9/2012
Just awesome!
Sookie Manoso chapter 28 . 9/3/2012
I loved this. LOVED. It was such an amazing story!
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