Reviews for Want, Take, Have
Accept The Darkness chapter 18 . 2/27/2013
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 18 . 5/19/2012
Psycho Jeff loves his Addy... aww! :)

I absolutely adored this!
mariahbenetatos chapter 3 . 5/29/2011
Oh Addy! You just cant do that around A Scyho!
mariahbenetatos chapter 2 . 5/29/2011
ooooohhhhhh seductive baby! Im'll keep reading
mariahbenetatos chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
Oooohhhh pyscho! Im'll keep readin!
Hardy-Hennigan-Hickenbottom chapter 18 . 1/6/2010
Love this story - it's different to see Jeff as the dominant one definatly fabulous

The Cajun Phoenix chapter 18 . 11/6/2009
"Want, Take, Have" is definitely my favorite Jeff Hardy and Edge fan fic story to date! I love how Jeff not only assumes the dominant position with Edge but he also revels in it! And after what Jeff did to Matt Hardy in this story, even I wouldn't want to cross swords with Jeff! I'm not sure what picture or symbol would best sum up this title and Jeff's philosophy, but I'll have fun trying to draw the design! Awesome story, redsandman99! A sequel could definitely be a good thing later on. Happy writing!
UzumakiWrestlesSupernatural chapter 2 . 6/28/2009
Wow. Jeff is so...what's the word im looking for?...oh yeah! Sadistic. Is that the right word? But anyway, I like this Jeff -. Well off i go to read the rest :). I would feel sorry for Adam, but I'd be lying. Hehe.

More people should make jeff like this.

Anna (Iceprincess)
ilzehs chapter 18 . 6/15/2009
The conversation between Shannon and Adam...Jeff only cums inside of Boys are adorable really. Shannon should give PG 13 advices if he really doesnt want to hear X Rated stuff. Although I am sure at some extent he had enjoyed getting that little peice of information. I mean its really sexy, who wouldnt find it hot.

It was kinda funny how Jeff let Adam go to the tattoo shop all by himself. I mean him being all possessive and overly protective. Its hard to think he would even let Adam out of his sight for even 2 seconds. But he had to get this surpruse so understandable.

Jeff gives orders out of the blue. I love it. 'Strip'. As simple as that. And what a pet he has.

“Everyone loves it when I take charge.”

Dam right about that Jeffy.

Want, Take, Have? Adam is real smart. That tattoo would grace his body the best. It was a real sweet present he gave Jeff there.

OMG! Thats hot. Watching themsleves while they fuck...I will need a cold shower after reading this. Video taping having sex is so damn hot. And you got Jeff making Addy squirm... super super super HOT! Absolutely brilliant dirty talk Jeff did during their encounter. Adam should see himself getting fucked, how hot and beautiful he is that way.

“Forever mine…I like the sound of that.”

Aww, I like the sound of that too very much. I wish we could have a sneak peak at that tape though. One of the sexiest sex scene I have ever read.

Its kinda sad that this story has ended. After a very long time I got to read something that actually made me really happy and admire the writer's writing skills greatly. 'Sold' and this fic have definitely taken over top spots in my all time fav fics. You have done an amazing job. Specially with the characters. I have never enjoyed Jeff as much as I did in this story. Adam is my boy, he makes me read a fic. You made him a sub which is what I always want to read him as. You did an awesome job. Made his character totally adorable. It was a brilliant piece of work, featured best sex scenes ever, is the best Jeff/Adam story EVER written (well, for thoes that I have read anyways) and one of the best Adam fic for me. I really hope you'll write them like this sometime in future too. 'Love Is Protection' is now my daily dose. I wonder how sad I am gonna become when that ends too :( Hopefully you'll start another Adam story that has him as a sub by that time. I truly enjoyed your writing.

Again, big props on doing this amazing work.
ilzehs chapter 17 . 6/15/2009
Finally. There was no way Matt would continue his stupid stalking after what Jeff put him through. Now Adam and Jeff can be relaxed and take their relationship to the next level.

“Sure you did. You love imagining me and Jeff going at it.”

Dont know about Shannon Addy but I sure do. You getting your world rocked by Jeff, nothing gets hotter than that.

Lol at Shannon. He is quite amusing too. Threesome? He is dumb to think Adam would be asking that, Adam also knows Jeff would never let another man touch him that way. I love Jeff's and Shannon relationship in this story very much. Them being just like brothers sure would be a consolation for Jeff for lossing a brother in Matt.

Yeah, so Addy's gonna get a tattoo for his boyfriend? So cute. I wonder if he is getting Jeff's name tattooed on his ass or something. Nah, that'll be very corny. I am gonna look forward to it.

Damn, Jeff is humorous even in his sleep. Or awakening from the sleep. He is so easy going, I love it. Matt's TV more important than the news Adam gave him? You are insane Jeff, no doubt.

“Damn it! I can’t video tape us having sex and then play it back on that big ass TV if Shannon has it!”

Oh, so thats the next plan? Jeff, I am officially declaring falling in love with your character in this fic. I mean video tape of Jeff fucking Addy? All of my fantasies in Adam slashwere convered in this fic except that. Now its next. Redsandman99, you dont know how happy you made me with this fic of yours. This has almost everything I always wanted to read in a story that featured Adam as the main character.

“I didn’t say you could video tape us.”

Lol, like Adam havent learnt yet that Jeff always have the last word...or order.

That was the best persuading ever! Jeff can make Adam do anything. He gives orders and Adam follows. And its lovely. Addy getting smacked on the ass again, brilliant!

Lol, Adam gave up in less than a minute? Again, never enjoyed anyone controlling Adam as much as here. He is so damn easy for Jeff to make a behaving little boy. Jeff's treatment was wonderful.

YAY! A video tape is coming. Thats gonna be sexy as hell.

“You’re going to find out just how pretty you are when I’m fucking you,” he whispered. “Such a pretty fucking slut. My pretty fucking slut.”

Damn, the best dirty talk ever. (well besides Matt's in Sold)
ilzehs chapter 16 . 6/15/2009
Lol, Jeff is so damn hilarious even in all his craziness. I absolutely love the way you have written him in this story. He is amusing, crazy, dominant, insane, hilarious, everything I enjoy him as. Him mocking the sun was goofy and kinda stupid, but thats our psycho Jeff. He even wants nature to go along with his mood swings, so damanding.

And Adam...he is adorable. This is the sweetest and most adorable chapter of all. It made me grin throughout. Adam is so damn cute anyways, but that scene just made him super cute and I just wanted to hug him so damn tight that it would further piss him off and he would whine a little more. His whining is so much fun. Jeff is damn lucky to have such a cute bunny to make his life so colourful. It was quite easy to actually imagine Adam in that state with a pout on his face.

The dialogue between the two when Adam found Jeff was awesome. It also show case your good sense of humor. Also it makes us clearly understand how quickly Adam's presence can cheer Jeff up. Hah, and Adam really thought he had to get lost in woods often. He has become so obedient and such a good boy. But he does find a way getting things his way. Jeff cant resist him and he make good use of that.

Loved Adam getting smacked on his ass! I find it so hot how Jeff controls him. Orders? Like Jeff'll ever let that taken away from himself. There back and forth name calling was so sexy. Adam is a slut, but he is Hardy's slut. So thats good.

Getting mad at Randy at the very wrong timing Addy. You know Jeff isnt letting you go without having some fun with your sexy ass. Although, you are a blondie and dumb is cute in its own way.

Jeff being funny and teasing his Addy...not good. Although, that open ended request must have made him drool.

Its so wonderful to see how this relatiosnhip has grown from lust to pure love. Jeff's adoration for Adam is not going away anytime soon. Adam belongs to him and he did very well in taking care of his little blonde baby doll. Even though he forced Adam into this thing first hand, but he has now definitely earned the right to be holder of Adam's heart and love.

Dud, it had to be broken, knowing Jeff and how hard he likes to fuck Adam. It was kinda funny. Adam's whines are still the cuttest thing on earth.

This chapter is now my fav one. It just put a smile on my face to see how they interact and love each other. I aplaud you on your brilliant writing.
ilzehs chapter 15 . 6/14/2009
OMG! Jeff has officially gone insane. Although, parts of their conversation amused me. Jeff's psychotic nature should never be buried and under control. He is such a hot psycho, him in a normal navie state? Nah, I'll take this crazy Jeff over that Jeff anyday.

Matt is a stupid bastard really. He is still pushing Jeff's buttons by calling Adam names no matter he is all tied up and helpless. Adam belongs to Jeff, if someone try to take him away Jeff will take care of bussiness. Matt just needs to shut up if he has any sympathy for himself.

Ok, this is going too far. Jeff seems to be in a different world now. He is not seeing things right, that was absolutely crazy how he stabbed Matt's hand. I dont trust this Jeff to not kill Matt. I kind of feel sorry for Matt. He didnt know his brother had these tendecies did he? Oh shit, and now fire.

Thank fuckin god Adam found out them before Jeff could do some real damage. No matter how psychotic and crazy Jeff had gone, I kinda find it a major turn on. He is so hot like this. I loved how he stopped himself for Adam's sake. Matt should learn his lesson now. Otherwise, he should be ready for his death.

This keep getting more and more interesting with each chapter. All three characters are brilliantly written, specially Adam and Jeff. Even Gil and Shannon are enjoyable very much. Awesome stuff once again!
BellaHickenbottom chapter 18 . 6/8/2009
aw thats so sweet. now since shannon said not to let jeff cum on the tattoo i now want to know if adam came on it lmao STUPID NYMPHOS
Animal Luvr 4 Life chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
Even though Jeff was a bit nuts, I liked that he and Adam made a good couple!
takers dark lover chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
This was a real good story. Adam may not have wanted to be with Jeff in the beginning but the end he sure did.
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