Reviews for Hidden Lies
xoX-yume-no-k0k0r0-Xox chapter 6 . 1/3/2012

hi! i've been reading and reading and reading this for almost a year!

and guessed what?


i just cant bring myself to review.!

i cnt believe you changed it O


/ im quite okay about it the last time i checked...


It seems okay!

kyaaaaaaaaa! i can actualy say im beginning to be a "fan" of yours! xDD

to make this review short:

i personally would like you to update more and more until they graduate and be wed!(im exaggerating!) but anyways..i totally LOVE the story! one of the stories here in gakuen fanfic i super duperly adore and gave much attention!

more power to you!

more chapters to hope (*winks)
Brownies and Strawberries chapter 6 . 12/12/2011
I'm not really much of a fanon pairing shipper, but for the record, this is the only HotaruxNatsume story I don't find awkward.

Good job! :)
CO-DP 'AC chapter 3 . 7/13/2011
Hey, I'm like reviewing chapter to chapter. But I don't know if I would review the next one. I was just saying,it's like you do every chapter I read is from different grade. By the way,nice chapter so far.
CO-DP 'AC chapter 2 . 7/13/2011
Isn't Natsume, little favorite five year old, Yoichi supposed to e like 8 or 9 years old? To the story of their 5th grade, Yoichi was 5. Now they are 14, Yoichi is supposed to be like 8 or 9. By the way, I like this story that my face would turn to read this more.
CO-DP 'AC chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
I like it, and that's not how Mikan first came in! But that was just made up right? chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
Oh my gosh! I LOVE the pairing of Natsume and Hotaru. To be honest, you are the first person that I know that did this! You're so awesome! :)
icy.hearted.fallen.angel chapter 1 . 2/25/2010

I'm a big fan of NatsuTaru

I like to see them together cuz it's the "Flame Caster" and the "Ice Queen"

It's so cool!

Please update sooner!

I'm like in suspense! xDD

~Mika of MiNiKaiLyss
twinklejade chapter 7 . 2/22/2010
i hope you will finish! im a VERy lazy person too... lolz!
yourmom chapter 7 . 2/22/2010
nice story, refreshing. not many people could imagine natsume and hotaru. i only thought of it today, i'm glad you've made a few. don't do passionate scenes though, they seem kinda forced. 8/10 because of pairing and story.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/19/2010
love this story
rukaru-romance.passion chapter 7 . 11/21/2009
HI! I'm a REALLY big RukaRu fan, and I used to think KokoSumire was my second fav or something, but then I thought about Hotaru and Natsume. I'm not sure what 'place' N/H is in though...

SO-I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING THIS. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I DO! xD. O.O I've seen like, 3 fics of them including this. .' So sad...Maybe I should make one. O.O

I don't think anyone knew that I liked Hotaru/Natsume...O.O

Anyway, I like this for a lot of reasons. But I've got to say my fav chappies were 4 to 7 O.O

7 because of the shock. LOL.

6 because of that thing...and the 'what the heaven?' O.O Classic; smart aleck-ish stuff. O.O Very original. xD.

4 because of a lot of things. And the poem wasn't sucky! I loved it! I liked the part where it has 'beautiful' on every line the most. ;)


~ruk ru-r0m nc3.p $$i0n
TheBadsun chapter 6 . 7/8/2009
lets see im a nXm supported btu i actually like this stry i havent seen amny HxN around butyours is kinda interesting

so ill look forward to this unique story
Mohoono-chan chapter 6 . 7/6/2009
oh. things are heating up,huh? cant wait to find out what happens next. i wonder what happened when they got back? its a shame i wont have access to the internet for a while soon, so i might not find out! darn!
Llane chapter 6 . 6/28/2009
they are a bit out of character, both your natsume and hotaru. but i do think it's nice to see this alternate pairing.

so keep it up. XD
Ciela Aberk chapter 6 . 6/26/2009
*Blushing hard* Wew, this chapter is hot... But it's kinda weird thinking a 10th grader doing something like that... Hehehe, it seems that Natsume and Hotaru are starting to realize their feelings even more! Hope there will be more reviews so you can continue to next chapter! I can't wait!
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