Reviews for Alphabet
youki minaco chapter 1 . 6/18/2016
Hello again .. very rare to enjoy this style of tefu fanfiction but you actually managed to keep me interested until the last symbols .. Hahahahaha .. Well done. By the way I loved the stories of the letters (i) and (s) they were very influential and I wonder if you can type additional story (perhaps a series of chapters) Tozvin the scenes "alphabet" and in particular "illusion" and "suitcase" .. (I will repeat here say: I liked all the stories it's actually really fantastic ..). Thank you for your post us your talent. It made me a better mood.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2015
I like it hahahaha but i think i like illusion, lincoln and money best!
a.brief.dalliance chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
Awesome, awesome, awesome! I agree, suitcase was epic, but i really liked money as well!
skele-gro chapter 1 . 11/8/2009
Foreverly chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
Tezuka had known from the moment he looked at Fuji's stormy eyes that risking his shoulder for that match against Atobe had been a bad idea, because now he was seated on Fuji's bed enjuring said tensai's silent treatment.

It should be enduring. There were a few other typos in there (e.g. later becoming latter and etc.), but all were tolerable.


The drabbles are awesome! And I especially love the last line! Truly, they're the PERFECT pair.
tamcrutz chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
i like it all, nyaa

keep up on writings, kay

if you stop ill chase you even if it means i have to fly to your country

okane tamenakya

oi kakeru ze
ravenmin chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
I'd say this is your master piece.

I always love alphabetical based fics X3~

out of them all I love [I]llusion the most.
ParnWellWishes chapter 1 . 7/17/2009
wah... love it.
zeroshiki-san chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
Loved all of it! Especially horses and Suitcase. ooh and xylophone. Tezuka's so cute when he's creative :3
axomyrhcal13 chapter 1 . 5/3/2009
love it so much!

the randomness and the kawaiiness! love all the drabbles, can't choose a favorite since all of them are great!

continue on chucking out amazing oneshots like this one!

your stories brightened up my day! The week without reading a TeFu fic is torture...and your stories are major healers! XD to find Suitcase...XD
Tacuma chapter 1 . 4/28/2009
I loved this fic! I can't tell which drabble I liked the most because all of them were awesome! There were no bad drabbles at all! Suitcase was good indeed, but I also loved Xylophone and Yo-Yo a lot XD You did a really good job! Love it!
angelDC chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
i really love ur fics! they're really cute! hope u write more:D
Vhii1217 chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
Such an adorable fic! I love Apple, Concise, Abercrombie and Fitch, Horses, Illusion, Kit Kat, Money, Never, Opportunity, Queer, Run, Suitcase, Time, Umbrella, Vacation, Wind, Xylophone... I practically heart them all. Tezuka and Fuji are so cute. So are Eiji and Ryoma. Everything is too cute! I die... Too many cuteness can kill for sure.

Go with more fluffy TeFu! You rock!
kaylee chapter 1 . 4/24/2009
phoenixfirekitsune chapter 1 . 4/24/2009
That was really creative. I loved Xylophone. It was so cute and sweet! _
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