Reviews for Lonely Girl
Guest chapter 4 . 6/20/2016
You know you've got a good story and not update...always pisses me off when you people write and then abandon a story.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/20/2016
Hiashi is a jack's ass
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20/2016
Who the hell hired Kakashi? Lol
MISAKI555 chapter 4 . 5/25/2013
Update please! I love the story!:)
Sasuhina . ;3
Wingsofdark-Shadow-chan chapter 4 . 1/30/2011
CAn't wait to read more, update soon! ~Shadow-chan
math music reading chapter 4 . 8/23/2009
Ooh, suspense. I really like how Neji's in character and realistic. He's helping Hinata even though he's going ot get in trouble with Hiashi.
DELETE.THIS.ACOUNT.PLEASE chapter 4 . 8/21/2009
great chapter, i really liked how you described sasukes home, with the boarded windows and the stains, please update soon im really looking forward to the next chapter.
RainbowBoxer chapter 4 . 8/21/2009
Awesome possum!YAY!YAY!YAY!

...Sasuke?(I knew it)

I love this story...really, really...C;

I am impressed that you can keep the character's in character...really, really...

I wonder...why would Neji-dono, of all people, be nervous?

Why did Neji-dono bring Hina-hime to the Uchiha clan compound?

I wonder what Sasu-teme will do let alone say when he sees the two Hyuuga's standing on his door step?

What did happen to the rest of the Uchiha clan?

Where is Itachi?

I have a feeling that we are all about to find out...soon enough...

The suspense is killing me here...not literally, mind you...I would have been 'dead' ages ago...

Well this story is developing quite nicely...

I will wait patiently for the rest...forever...if I have too...C:


As soon as you can, of course...XD
math music reading chapter 3 . 7/7/2009
Wow, that was so sad. Please write more! Don't leave it there! Interesting take on the unknown/revealed identity plot.
RainbowBoxer chapter 3 . 5/24/2009
Awesome possum!This story is by far the most awdorable depiction of SasuHina...really, really?

This fanfic is interesting...out of all of the other High school-modernized versions of Naruto, including the Sasuhina and other pairings, this one by far has potential...

I wonder...will Hinata ever regret her decision? Will she decide on disobeying her father? Will Sasuke still be willing to offer her shelter and his friendship?

So many more questions are bubbling in my mind, right now, but I will hold off; seeing as how, that might interfere with the progression of the story...

The suspense is killing me here...not literally mind you...XD
simplegirl42 chapter 3 . 5/23/2009
good job

very well done

hope you update soon
Kirei Yuki Tenshi chapter 3 . 5/23/2009
Poor Hina!

But way to go girly, standin up to the dumb sluts lol


Loved it!

mistress akasha chapter 2 . 5/3/2009
ah! evil hiashi! how dare u crush hina's friends! gr

hiashi: so she is bieng weak talking to the enemy

me:but wat if she was trying to mke friends with him so she could get out their secrets? u kno backstabbing?

hiashi: dammit! hinata!

hinata: yes father?

hiashi: please continue to go see that uchiha hell be wih him every moment of the day i don't care if u dont come home!

hinata: *blushes* yes father

me: *thinks* hina needs to control her inner perv

inner: hey! u r so not one to talk!

me: at least i kno that i cant control it and acknowledge that fact!

inner: sigh

me: i win!
DELETE.THIS.ACOUNT.PLEASE chapter 2 . 5/2/2009
OMG that was freekin awsome! what sasuke said when he was leaving! ah! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
DELETE.THIS.ACOUNT.PLEASE chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
leved the first chapter! obviously that guy is sasuke! duh! well see ya! n_n
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