Reviews for If Only
Violette chapter 2 . 3/25/2018
I love this so much! And the ending is sad and ironic considering the end of the season 2 it was very good thank you for this!
Pip3 chapter 2 . 11/30/2013
while reading on my phone, i thought there was only the one chapter... and i was happy with it. loved it. then i came on the computer to review and found a second chapter. it's like christmas or something. yay!
majorcateroneill chapter 2 . 10/11/2013
Loved it.
ccase13 chapter 2 . 4/15/2012
Poor Dean should have trusted his instincts and changed everything around from his usual plans.
casammy chapter 2 . 9/29/2011
Dean is very sensitive in everything what refers to sammy, he really has a special radar for everything what refers to alone sammy that the bad thing with dean, is that always it is very temperamental and says and does things that it finishes for hurting sammy
Crimson Ivy chapter 2 . 1/14/2010
Oh, this story was so sweet... I don't know why I find it so fascinating – Sam scared of Dean, trying to stand up to his expectations and mad Dean who realizes that his little brother is seriously hurt... *sighs happily*

I know that love shouldn't mix with fear, I really do, but... ;D Well, it is just a story, written for fun... and I had a great time reading it! :)

As usual I appreciate your Author's notes, funny, interesting and creating a kind of a personal bond with you ;) I feel almost as if I knew you! :)

Oh, and it definitely makes sense – your remarks about solid ideas evolving during writing the story. I know that feeling. :) It is quite funny I think. Maybe there is some kind of a higher identity which makes authors change their minds? Or maybe the author is possessed by a character? I am sure you know the feeling, when you plan something for a character and suddenly you start writing something completely different... Apparently the character has his own idea about the adventures... :) Well, as long as the great stories are the final result – I guess it is not a problem... ;D

Thanks for that story!
I believe in you chapter 2 . 11/25/2009
Very good fic. I luv it :) Sam just broke my heart.. Dean was a meanie although he didn't know that all Sam wanted was a cup of water. He shouldn't have said what he said to Sam considering the situation.. Sam was sick for crying out loud!

I totally understand what u mean.. that's every writer's little dilemma lol

Rimi xoxo
mousefiction chapter 1 . 8/10/2009
Yay, I really liked this fic (well, I have only read chapter one thus far). Poor Sam. But damn; I know he's a stong guy, but getting up and walking around after being hit by a car is something else. I like your style of writing; good job on this fic. Maybe I'm just a really big sap, but I liked it a lot when Dean kissed Sam. So cute.
Mel Storm chapter 2 . 8/1/2009
hey now this second chapter is really good. I like it. Poor sam though...he goes through so much shit its not even funny.

i enjoy your stories greatly keep it up.


brightsidetolife chapter 2 . 7/6/2009
I like it! Very entertaining and heartfelt.
jenilee chapter 2 . 6/20/2009
Ah nice ending girl.

I loved this...poor guy..LOL "Sam’s puppy dog eyes had followed them, mouth dropped open in dismay."

Ah Dean he has such a typical parental reaction when their kid gets hurt. First he yells, then he hugs...lolol
jenilee chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
You know I started reading chapter two and didn't know what the heck was going on... LOLOL Somehow I missed the first chapter. Musta been when I was gone.

Poor Sam, man he needs to get to a hospital, the stubborn boy, he's not sounding too healthy right now.
gapdragon1 chapter 2 . 5/29/2009
I so adore this story - sorry I didn't review when I first read it ( I think I was 'sneak' reading in work) Also enjoying 'Shadows' story very much but this fic really touches me. Thank you
MRitz chapter 2 . 5/7/2009
Oh, how cute! This story is going in really cutie way. Oh poor Sammy,he is looking so sweet and utterly disoriented when he's got concussion. O baby, you just wanted a glass of water, why didn't you tell anyone sweetheart? Always cute, even in hospital, he always catches attention. Really, this story is so cute, I just can't find another word to explain it. You should have to continue it as long as you can. So sweet,I love it. Keep it up.


Madebyme chapter 2 . 5/4/2009
Well what can I say apart from thank you! I really miss reading good old fashioned h/c stories, they really are a rarity nowadays and to get another chapter of this? Well, you spoil us, you really do!

I love how you write a scared and worried Dean and how that usually turns into anger - it’s so in character and poor Sam - he only wanted some water! I really admire how you took such a simple idea and turned it into a whole extra chapter.

As for the ending, it did surprise me - but in a good way! I didn't see it coming and that, for me, always makes for a more interesting and thought provoking ending! The show rarely - if ever - has a completely happy ending and so I think that ending your story the way you have really fit’s the tone of the show and where the characters were in this timeline.

And yes, I think most of us will know what you mean about a story taking itself in a completely different direction than you intended - but I say, trust your instincts because clearly, they pay off!

Great stuff and this is definitely not a disappointment, I always enjoy reading what you offer and you never fail to entertain me! Take care, Abbi.x
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