Reviews for Of Seamen and Landlubbers
Interestedreader chapter 17 . 5/27/2016
I'm glad I found this story again, though sad to see it's only progressed a chapter since I last read it and that it hasn't updated since 2010. Hopefully you didn't give up on it entirely and might just have the rest of it sitting around somewhere or have posted it somewhere else. I would love to see how everything is resolved.
Harrenwolf chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
This promises to be a very interesting read! Just one question...why is Spain on a Balkan ship?
The Little Chibi chapter 17 . 1/28/2014
Noooo, you can't leave a cliffhanger for four years! That's evil!
Pastaperson chapter 17 . 6/2/2013
Oh my gosh! And then the story just ends! :O It seemed like you were a surprising kind of person, but this!? Cliffhanger! And I feel like I've been pushed over the edge D:
roughdiamond5 chapter 17 . 5/4/2013
It's really a shame that you haven't updated this story since 2010. It's very fast-paced and well-balanced between all the different storylines, and it would be a great contribution to a fandom to have this story finished. However, I'm aware that in three years things may have changed for you, so I won't lay on too much pressure. I'll just say that, as always, your writing impresses me, and I'm always glad to see more of it.
Emmy Jones the evergreen state chapter 10 . 2/12/2013
Emmy Jones the evergreen state chapter 7 . 2/12/2013
noooo kiku dont be sad
pastahero1780 chapter 17 . 9/15/2012
NNNNNNOOOOOO! It can't be continued now! There is so much going on! Btw, I love it!
Morgan Dolginow chapter 17 . 7/16/2012
Please post the rest of this fic! Please We will forgive you "lazyaurthoress" but only if you finish the fic!
pennilee chapter 2 . 4/8/2012
Interesting... xD
miserylolita chapter 17 . 3/7/2011
oh gods

is this ever going to be updated ;_; this is an amazing fanfic and this cliffhanger here has got to be the absolute worst asdjfklsdfds
GlitchOfSpace chapter 17 . 9/15/2010
Gaaah curse you and your addictive writing styles! I've read a lot of your stories and now have a vast majority of them stuck in my head! I kinda even, iunno, *coughlookuptoyoucough*... Just don't tell anyone cause my stories still suck. /

Oh yeah, and keep up the amazing writing work! :'D
AnHonestPuck chapter 10 . 8/15/2010
Loved the chapter. Romano yelling at Spain about being late was awesome. And you write Poland very well. The mythology at the end was nice to see, especially your description of Greece's mother.
Plastic Roses chapter 17 . 5/7/2010
Nice story~! I love the characters' interactions, especially Romano's and Italy's with each other and their fiances~!
fluffy-rakia chapter 17 . 4/24/2010
AH! The Opium Wars, Hetalia style! Poor, poor China. I am angry at England for doing that to him, but at the same time Pirate England is soo cool. Damn it, I don't know whether I should kick him or smothering him in a hug XD (England would pull his sword on me, I know.) Okay, squealing session ended.

As I read though this fic, I noticed that there are some memory scenes. The problem is that I could not tell that they were memory scenes until I got a couple paragraphs in. So maybe if you could italicize those scenes or insert something that would help the reader to recognize this.

Another thing is that I have absolutely NO idea where all of this is taking place. I'm just randomingly assigning locations in the world where things seem to be. I know (from personal experience) that if your fic is taking place in a made up world it is *really* hard to describe lands and places. However, since your story has many settings, various places on the sea, USSR, the island, China's house, Turkey's tower, Rome's palace, I think it would be helpful to include some direction. So far, the only thing I know is that Switerland's island is north and west (or was it East?) of USSR and several days ship from China's place. Geographically, I'm thinking Switzerland, Russia and China and my head is not connecting the dots.

Hope this helps! I can't wait for England's and America's confrontation!
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