Reviews for Fragments of the Forgotten
Lead Potato chapter 16 . 8/9/2017
I am CRYING...forget all the negative things i said. I was focusing on the small details and not looking at the big picture. All i needed to do was sit back and enjoy the story oml. Despite me being mad in the beginning because yet another author put the Noah in a romance story, it all turned out well in the end. And i wasn't mad for long anyway, because you said it wasn't just going to JUST be a romance story. At least you had an explanation as to why you would put their enemies in the story and make it harder on the characters. All the other stories I've read didn't have one; they just put an Antagonist in their story for no reason. That is what gets me angry: when you decide to make it harder on the protagonists for no good reason. Anyway, I've ranted for too long xD. This was really, really good. It'll be in my favorites forever. Thank you for all of your work
Lead Potato chapter 11 . 8/8/2017
One thing I've always wondered was why does Lavi need a fake ID...he's 18 if you haven't realized by now
Lead Potato chapter 10 . 8/8/2017
Eyyyy the Miranda Rights, I learned about that recently
Lead Potato chapter 8 . 8/6/2017
so i guess even Lavi, who seems to know almost everything about his past life, can't remember certain things. Okay, I guess. But if he remembers Krory then there's literally no reason for him to just NOT remember the nickname he gave him. I mean it's kind of self explanatory, Lavi. So stop acting confused when you think about that nickname and act dumb like "ohh wtf where did that come from y did I say that ooOhOhhh" like what the hell. Put two and two together, fool.
Lead Potato chapter 9 . 8/6/2017
I actually knew about the twist because i skipped to the end of chapter 9 and the beginning of chapter 10 while i was still reading 5 lol. SO I KNEW ABOUT IT TOO
Lead Potato chapter 5 . 8/6/2017
Okay well if putting the Noah in this story wasn't bad enough you had to go and make Allen act that way towards Lavi. There was no reason to respond that way. and there'd better be some serious making up.
Codename-SN chapter 16 . 10/11/2016
Ah! I knew I recognized you! Your NaruGaa fics have always been brilliant! And, of course, the same can be said for this fanfic. For one, I'm really glad that you're favorite pairing in DGM is Laven, since it would be a shame if I had to miss out such an excellently written story because of a pairing! I liked it even more because it wasn't just pure fluff or ansty-romance. They're okay, to an extent, but I rather prefer supernatural stuff, action and adventure more. The concept of reincarnation is even more awesome, if I say so myself. Though I have to admit, it kind of trampled on my wish to write a reincarnation fic with Laven. Ah well, I can't do much about it since it's already taken.. But! It just gave me initiative to replace Lavi with someone else! And, of course, who better than Alma Karma himself? /laughs/ I can almost SEE it! It's beautiful! /cries/ Uwa.. I must absolutely write it! Gah..! Gotta go! Ja ne~
WeirdButILoveIt chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Jui chapter 10 . 7/6/2014
What if Fanfiction had a "Related Stories" feature somewhere on the page, where you type in the name of an existing fanfiction story and it gives you suggestions for similar stories? Don't you think that that would be amazing? I am Jui, or StiLu RoLu JeLu Love, and I think fanfiction should have this feature. Post a review like this one and have yourself heard!
TheBeanButCallMeBee chapter 16 . 7/25/2012
Woderful!I'm sobbing!DX
Mukuro234 chapter 16 . 4/27/2012
Awe that was so great the laven and other pairings were so cute as well.
kh07gl chapter 16 . 3/18/2012
I love this fic! It's so awesome that I wanna steal it (can i? Jk ;)) the way it's written is splendid! Defiantly one of my faves!

kh07gl :3
flygon3300 chapter 16 . 2/22/2012

Etomacity chapter 16 . 2/9/2012
Wow, I am super glad I found this. I read it all in one sitting because I just couldn't stop. I enjoyed it to the very end. You are such a good writer and that was a very interesting plot.

I actually thought it would end up a tragedy. And that the body Lavi and Allen found, I thought it was Miranda or possibly Krory. But I'm glad it was none of those things. I like your ending a lot, although as a selfish reader, I wished it could have lasted a bit longer.

I spotted a few grammar errors here and there, nothing too bad that would subtract from the story.

I also felt a spark of inspiration reading this story. Can't explain it, but is just like after a person is done watching a good good movie or something. Although I got to say, your story got a bit cheesy. But I liked that type of cheesiness. Good job.

And so I thank you for writing this fanfiction, finishing it, and posting it here on . I hope you keep on writing more in the future, whatever fandom it might be for. Good luck to you!
Mid-Night-Sun273 chapter 16 . 1/1/2012
Love. It.

I don't have Any other words to describe how much I like your story. It was really cute and nicely written. Good job, awesome story. Very interesting, I didnt want to stop reading.

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