Reviews for Brutal Passions
Horrible Man chapter 6 . 1/3/2019
I can't root for a toxic relationship like this. Kenshin is a horrid man who has done things that I personally can't see anyone forgiving. He gave her to the crew to be raped simply because he thought she was a common whore. That is unforgivable. Not to mention all the attempted rape incidents. How disgusting.
Foxx92 chapter 6 . 2/17/2018
This is toooo gooood! I wish there were more chapter :(
dor chapter 6 . 4/23/2016
I rarely write reviews, but when I do - it's when i'm hooked onto a story. I have to admit, I wasn't very keen on the first 1-2 chapters because although the crew had a pirate-personality, i just felt like they were slightly ooc. But once they got off the ship, i just couldn't put your story down because the characters start to shine more from there :)!
misao97 chapter 6 . 9/6/2015
Saris Yui chapter 5 . 5/26/2014
Man I wish this story would update probably one of my favorite Battosai/Kaoru fics!
LinkWarriorInGreen chapter 6 . 11/10/2013
These 5 and a half chapters you have up are very good. You portray the emotions of your characters very well! Seeing as this hasn't been updated in 3 years it looks like it shall remain unfinished, but I shall add it to my watch list in hopes of this being just a long hiatus.
moonlightkissed chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
I love this story and have read it so many times! Your characters are detailed and you flesh out the characters so well, please continue with the story it is so captivating.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/3/2013
hey, this is the best story eber please update! .
midnight's-fantasies chapter 6 . 3/30/2013
hi hi
you've written an amazing story! I've re-read it too many times to count . I can't wait for this to update but can't help but notice this was updated in 09 DD so I would really love to know if you ever plan on continuing this or has this fic been discontinued T_T I beg you to finish this with a happy ending but I'll understand if you've lost motivation for it ):
lunarlegend11 chapter 6 . 2/15/2013 addictive! It's freaking awesome! Post soon (lest an enraged Saito decides to use you as a target for his new and improved Gatotsu...)!
Erinbearin chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
This story deserved a lot more than 194 reviews. I wish you would have finished it. I will always keep creating endings for this story until the day you finish writing it
luuluu chapter 6 . 12/20/2012
lol why's kaoru such a dumb butt here.. Don't swordsmen had ki's? like an aura of greatness/skill? how can she not tell that he's good? you can tell a talented dancer by the way they walk and the ease with which they move. It should be the same with assassin and samurai ppls! as soon as she made that promise I was like "hah! sucks for her! its gonna happen lol!"
Saphira113 chapter 6 . 11/30/2012
I know what as it has been three years you are probably never going to finish this story. Having to redo work you have already done is the biggest frustration in the world, it always pisses me off. That being said this story captured my mind, it's fantastic! The interactions between Kaoru and Battousai/Kenshin are such that I just want to read more. The sexual torture scenes make me sick to my stomach but I see why they are there and I would love to one day see this story resolved.
AC chapter 6 . 11/24/2012
I truly hope you update and write more for this story, it's so good and I am sure many others are waiting on it too. I love your style and will be waiting for the rest!
sulou chapter 6 . 9/12/2012
Oh, I really do hope you are still planning to update this story! Its SO good! Its been awhile, so maybe not. But it never hurts to ask, I guess.
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