Reviews for Lightness and Darkness
DemonDean67 chapter 28 . 5/24
Amazing story, really. Such detail and creative ideas. I love your work. You are a very talented writer.
Hi chapter 4 . 6/30/2018
Slightly autistic? Slightly? Im slightly autistic, this here is about as autistic as a person could possibly be. Slightly autistic would be a little sensitive to touches and loud noises, as well as being confused in social situations. Autistic people are for the most part, normal people. Sorry if that seemed a bit rude.
arwenadreamer chapter 27 . 8/12/2017
I found this story and I liked it. Thank you for sharing!
SakuHina-X3 chapter 27 . 7/18/2017
I will start by saying that i absolutely loved this story. The plot is very interesting and just so sad! I loved your writing as it's very fluent to read except for a few typos, (but really, who cares).
I am totally going to read the sequel!
Great job!
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 24 . 2/19/2017
I'm very happy for Dean and Sam and you wrote this moment very well.
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 23 . 2/19/2017
You did really good with Dean's feelings in this one.
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 22 . 2/19/2017
I like the clown part and I hope Sam will be able to speak for Dean's birthday. I also liked how everything turned out these last couple of chapters. Though the church thing was weird for me. Just a bit spontaneous I guess. Deans change of mood is actually pretty good. It's not too rushed or unbelievable. Anyway this is awesome.
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 12 . 2/19/2017
Well my heart just died, got revived then died again.
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 6 . 2/19/2017
I didn't think of Missori, probably should have but I didn't. Have to admit that I really don't like her but that's just me and 8'm sure you'll write her just fine. Dean's reaction was intresting. Wonder why he gets angry like that, is it simple or not. Again you write them all so well. The brothers moments with their empathy was very intresting. The bread eat and room moments. I'm glad we got a bit more of Sam too. I'm admit that I prefer Dean an that if this entire story only consisted of Dean I would hardly be complaining. But u still like seeing Sam's thoughts.
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 5 . 2/19/2017
Looks like it's getting supernatural. Hehe
see what I did there?
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 4 . 2/19/2017
*face palms* Seriously John!? First of all get them out've the room and into the house first. Then get them to trust you. And after that you can take them out've the house. And placing your hand on anyone who is panicking and you either don't know or try don't trust you is not smart. Anyway (talking to the writer now) this is good. You write both Dean and Sam well and I like how while you do express John and Mary's frustrations you don't make them loose their heads and yell or something. Even John doing what I was face palming about before was believable and not stupid. So kudos.
KindKelsey chapter 26 . 4/24/2016
This was beautiful. You're an extremely talented author!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/1/2016
Montague, doth thou understandth thine reference?
reader50 chapter 28 . 1/25/2016
Wow! I started reading your story and couldn't put it down. I cried through most of it, now my nose is sore and red, I'm almost out of tissues, and I'm dehydrated. Just when they were getting happy you go and kill off Mary! I certainly hope that the foster care system does not work that way! Plus, I doubt very much that John would be able to just take those boys, nor do I think they could get away with not having social workers checking up on them frequently to see if the boys were alright. However, it's a good story and I thank you for sharing it with all of us.
The best guest chapter 27 . 11/28/2015
I'll just be in the corner over there. Sobbing.

This was really awesome. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Sam being autistic, but everything worked out.

I was hoping Mary would talk about being a hunter... Oh well. And now they are going to be hunters anyways. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I blame the shows writers.
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