Reviews for Other Echoes
Thobbit chapter 6 . 5/6/2013
Also that was all really in-character and I loved how all the imagery was black and gray and the only colors were red blood.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Oooooh! Interesting! I really like it. :)
Anon chapter 4 . 11/5/2012
Panic goes thrumming through her when she sees the set of his shoulders, the way he won't look at her..
I would be afraid to if I lost Ruby's knife! It was a good sweet thing of Ruby to cut him some slack. Its sweet!

She cuts an uneven line across her palm, squeezes until it wells up with blood, and that's what she smears on the shoulder of
Castiel's coat.

Quick thinker! I defiantly see some compassion and your awesome ending proved that right!

The punched look he gives her is priceless. She'll have it to comfort her
while her on the rack while her insides are being alphabetized.

LMFAO, once again I can totally imagine these thoughts coming from her! Awesome chapter I really enjoyed this one. :)
Anon chapter 3 . 11/5/2012
Zach was always a douche bag. I am loving this action and fights! Zach defianetly character and that is very good! Is Ruby starting to care about Castiel? If so that is adorable, you need someone to count on when it's the end of the world right? I loved loved this chapter! Amazing.

When she looks to Castiel she doesn't have to imagine, because for a guy with maybe three facial expressions he's getting all the mileage he can out of them. He's shifting between hurt and rage, like he's willing to set the halo aside for a moment and bring the wrath down.

She mouths no, shakes her head vehemently and hopes he understands. Fists her good hand in his coat and pushes down, tries to make him realize that while revenge left you pleasantly tingly, running away left you pleasantly alive.

I really loved how Ruby was thinking about Castiel obvious anger on Zach!

On the other hand, maybe they can share a rack. He can tell her to have faith or some shit and hold her hand while some gibbering minion of Lilith's makes a fucking handpuppetWhen she looks to Castiel she doesn't have to imagine, because for a guy with maybe three facial expressions he's getting all the mileage he can out of them. He's shifting between hurt and rage, like he's willing to set the halo aside for a moment and bring the wrath down.

She mouths no, shakes her head vehemently and hopes he understands. Fists her good hand in his coat and pushes down, tries to make him realize that while revenge left you pleasantly tingly, running away left you pleasantly alive.

"But then you always were."

On the other hand, maybe they can share a rack. He can tell her to have faith or some shit and hold her hand while some gibbering minion of Lilith's makes a fucking handpuppet from her kidney.

LOL, I can imagine Ruby thinking that!
Anon chapter 2 . 11/5/2012
Wow! Very thrilling! I was wondering if this would be the classic mistake of a wonderful opening but ko plot and you proved me wrong! It's sad how Castiel's brother's and sister's are gone. Ruby's show problem was pretty funny. x) I love their interaction and I'm eager to look at your other chapter! Great job love!

Ruby swallows hard. Castiel she knows; his thunderstorm scent and the way his voice dips with his moods and the way his mouth curls down when he's frustrated and tired and that's
the angel she's comfortable with.

I just really liked the way you wrote this! I can totally imagine it.
Anon chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
Well that was interesting! Castiel and Ruby ate very well in character, and this plot sounds very exciting and new. I absolutely love this pairing since opposites do attract! The dialogue is spot on and funny, I really do hate it when Ruby is written with a billion curse words or when Castiel is almost boring. You carefully avioded that though. I love Ruby 2.0 and this fic is very promising.

"White picket fence and two point five adorable little kids with their daddy's eyes and their mommy's hair?"
LOL, great line!

great job my friend I can't wait to read the rest.
DopeBass chapter 6 . 7/19/2012
... that was so good ! oh man that thing sounds disturbing , I LOVE IT . what will happened to Ruby what room is she in ! and what about Castiel , the last angel and now he is being eaten by some sort of demonic animal ! you quite simply have to update this fab story for me to know ! this is truly great , from the dialouge to the plot to your description to the traits of the characters ! wonderful job and I KNOW that alot of people would love to see this updated . great job . 3
DopeBass chapter 5 . 7/19/2012
so Cas is trying to find God ? interesting ! man you have got to update ! this is just so captivating . I think Ruby is starting to really feel for Castiel in a serious way , I wonder if he feels the same ? poor Castiel all of his brother and sisters dead , AND THE WINCHESTERS . my babies ! D: well it's actually realistic , the only way Castiel could be with Ruby would be together is if the Winchesters were dead . fab chapter , this one was very sentimental and I enjoyed it very much .
DopeBass chapter 4 . 7/19/2012
WOAH , is Ruby starting to CARE for CASTIEL ? AWWWWWWWW , how sweet . and odd . I like this chapter because it how being his companion is changing her and making her more human . and Cas is opening up just a little and could possible start thinking they are equals . beautiful chapter , WONDERFULLY written . amazing job and you should consider to continue ! 3
DopeBass chapter 3 . 7/19/2012
wow ! Ruby and Cas are SCREWED ! it's weird to see Cas protecting Ruby and being the person that saves her . and oddly sweet . they really are a cute pairing . oh god Zach is one evil bastard , he WOULD be a dick like that . this what I am loving of your story , how real it seems to be ! you have gold here and you should continue on this fic . great job , as usual . :D
DopeBass chapter 2 . 7/19/2012
it's me again ! I feel akward since I am reviewing alone ! D: now back to my review , THIS WAS A AMAZING CHAPTER . wow , Castiel is one of the last angel out there ! I love Ruby and his dialogue and vibes . Ruby isn't cussing like crazy like a OCC AND Cas is TOTALLY boring . I LOVE the way you describe things . I can't wait to see what happened for this partnership to start . it's a weird pairing but they are smashing together . great job !
DopeBass chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
... this is a GREAT start to a story ! I atĂșn les on this Fic and I wad curious of a Castiel and Ruby pairing , and you did not dissappiont . this was a great chapter and I can't wait to see what the other chapters hold . :D
Nollypoo chapter 6 . 12/16/2011
I can't believe you left it there! Please update? Pretty please?
SerialProcrastinator chapter 6 . 10/28/2011
HowlynMad chapter 6 . 11/12/2010
Oh good lord, this is awesome... apparently abandoned. Sigh.
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