Reviews for Eidolons
hikora chapter 5 . 8/16/2014
A happy ending indeed. I'm so happy that they are now together and happy.

Enzan may act all cold and heartless on the outside, but he is so soft on the inside. Throwing a "prissy fit" and " ditching his meetings" just to be there, eh. That's something.

Great story! Love it!
C. S. Stars chapter 5 . 2/22/2014
Wow. This was so sad but so beautiful. TwT thank you for sharing it.
Tigirl chapter 2 . 2/6/2014
Aaaaah So... CUTE! You have such good-quality writing!
xSerenityIsn'tAlwaystheAnswerx chapter 5 . 5/4/2013
Ah! This story was saddening, but the ending made everything alright. Not to mention i had a feeling this would be the outcome for the ending.
So thank you for this awesome story! :)
6xXBladeXx9 chapter 5 . 5/24/2012
Oh you should so go ahead, Id be for it! I love love love this story soo much, it had me feeling all fluffy inside (:

You're great!
nequam-tenshi chapter 5 . 3/3/2010

haha! It's Ironic that I keep reading all of your stories at some point in time! :D
Shimizu Hikaru chapter 5 . 1/20/2010
*cries* sad but it's a happy-ending after all, I really love your fics! You're awesome!I decided to review 'cause I think this fic worth more reviews!
Kitzu-Chan chapter 5 . 9/12/2009
It so cute! Perfect! Absoulutly perfect!
Achiasa chapter 5 . 8/10/2009
Ah, finally I get to finish this! Not the ending I'd have expected - bittersweet, I suppose, but then that always makes the sweet part sweeter, doesn't it? My brain is now thoroughly goo-ified from the sheer adorable 3
Seriyuu chapter 5 . 7/11/2009
Yes! please, please, please make a sequel. i loved this story and it'd be absolutely wonderful if there was a sequel!
DarkPika-Sama chapter 5 . 7/8/2009
Oh my goodness, you nearly scared me there for a second but as I kept reading on and saw that they were staying together, my exact thoughts were, "Thank god! my first hunch was wrong and my second one was right!" You had me going there, you really were and I'm glad for that. I'm so happy that Rock and Blues are together! _ Please make a sequel of this! oOe that's a lot longer than this one! I think you really should! It's too good to end like this! Please!
stargazedream chapter 5 . 7/7/2009
I don't think I have ever been so happy that the protagonist dies before. XD

They get to be together as navis? Oh, I've said it once and I'll say it again-you never cease to amaze me! The last half of this chapter was simply beautiful. I can't say I cried (I just never do) but I'm sure I WOULD have if I were a less stoic person. LOL

The ending was a nice wrap up to the story. I know you were worried about loose ends, but in the end there were no gaping holes or important questions leaving me blank stared. Oh~ You simply have no idea how much I love the idea of Saito coming back as Rockman! :D I do, however, think this piece would be more powerful as a stand alone. Perhaps you can write other pieces that elude to this one, but not a complete sequel.

Well then, until next time,


PS: I got all the pics you sent me! It's just taking me 4ever to get through 'em because I'm too lazy to take out the spaces in the links. hehehe...
Guest chapter 5 . 7/6/2009
God, that was beautiful.

I just started and finished reading this fanfic today and... damn. I'm about to cry. It was the best mix between angst and romance and... more angst, actually; and the ending just broke it, really, REALLY broke it... best way to end the angst you put during the whole chapter *gives an award* (?)

I'm going to be your biggest fan or some stupidity like that if you keep writing like that.

And about the sequel and all... I think a good quantity of fangirls and similar beings will be interested in that, so do it girl! You're going to have lots of support.
Shadow R-B chapter 5 . 7/5/2009

Ah, that was such a cute (and sad) ending, I loved it! _

Yeah, do a sequel if you so want to, it'd be awesome!

You know, I've never been more glad you love writing the Blues/Rock pairing. -

mylife9 chapter 4 . 6/23/2009
amazing as always. I'm pretty sure hikari-hakase would rather have an alive, gay son than a dead one. he definately seems to be that type of father. I like how saito's talk is with hikari-hakase instead of netto. it adds a level of seriousness and love and understanding and compassion that I think wouldn't be there if saito told this to netto. I love how you had blues save saito and how enzan was kind of put off about the whole situation and maybe he's a tad jealous? I can't wait to see what you're going to put for the next chapter. it should be just as amazing as these last few chapters.

p.s. wrong story for this review, I know but sorry because it's not working for my right now, but for ch. 14 of stages: *cheers* yes! my absolute favorite character is in the story now and I'm soo excited to see what's going to happen now. (dark rockman is my favorite character by the way) axl's innocence just shines in this chapter! he's so trusting after he learns that kuro and kage aren't strangers. also, cool name for the prison blues and rockman are in. I love how kage convinced kuro to help take care of axl. and the way kuro talks is soo like him! and I love the last part of the chapter when you said that they will be together for an undetermined amount of time. I simply cannot wait to see what fun adventures blues, rockman, axl, kuro, kage, netto, enzan, etc. will get into! yay dark rockman! (and everyone else XD)
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