Reviews for The Most Horrible Creatures You Could Ever Possibly Imagine
scoutbokmal chapter 6 . 1/11/2017
Ooh, how will it go for them?
Soron66 chapter 6 . 11/1/2016
man i am impressed by this story, but i'm also the opposite about another good fanfic being ended at a cliffhanger. i hope you finish, but i know that you won't cause most people never do especially at this gap in time. currently 2016(when i made this review) and it was last updated in 2010. that's a clear sign of never being continued.
Meggles425 chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Keep writting I love it!
Linorien chapter 6 . 6/6/2014
Judging by the last update, I'm not really expected a continuation, but the beginning was very enjoyable.
Jasmin chapter 6 . 4/22/2013
This is such a good little story, it's a shame you never got round to completing it. Your back-story for Jack was perfection, and having Grey captured by the Reavers was a stroke of brilliance, though I have to wonder how he grew up in their presence without being horribly mutilated... perhaps they kept people of the rarest blood-type, maybe even just those with mutated half-crescent blood cells to drink from. That's a rare disease, and it's got to taste different, right?

Something like that would make sense, because from what we know in Firefly, Reavers butcher everyone in their path aside from the few they leave as untouched witnesses who become Reavers themselves as a result of what they witnessed... well, for them to keep Grey and not harm him in that way, there had to be a VERY special reason.

Anyway, I liked this a lot, especially the Jack/Ianto bits. Gwen was her normal annoying self- wanting to be the one Jack turned to and told his secrets to. She thinks too much in terms of rank - wanting to know his personal history because she's his SIC, and her failure to recognise the depth of the relationship between J/I means she doesn't realise that of course Jack would confide in the man he loves about the darkest parts of his life. Like she would with Rhys. She's frustrating and spunky and a pain, so you captured her perfectly.

Perfect Ianto was perfect. He's always so calm and collected- getting the food, comforting Jack, waking Grey, having the rooms ready... it was totally IC!
Vi-Violence chapter 5 . 9/27/2012
Oh god, please update.
esking chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
Finally some decent Janto action! Thank you so much! I love this story, too. It's quite lovely. I laughed when Mal hit Jack, can't wait to see what their story is :)
Bloodsong 13T chapter 6 . 2/3/2012
as i'm sure you know, this crossover is absolutely brilliant! the idea to have a history between the two captains, the tie-in of the reavers and gray, is really fantastic. never would've thought of it, but it's great!

also, you have all the characters down pat, and the mix is just perfect.

and i know... it's been... um... YEARS since this was updated. but hey, if you have any parts lying around in a drawer somewhere...? that you can input? in a drawer in your brain? that'd be fantastic.
BundleofContradictions chapter 6 . 11/21/2011
Ah, so "The Most Horrible Creatures..." Jack spoke of to Captain Harkness in 1941 were the Reavers of Firefly fame (in your story). Borrowing a word from Tenny: "Brilliant!"

Poor Gray! Maybe River can help him a bit.

Still loving the use of Mandarin. I don't regret reading this chapter, despite the spoilers within. I'm still looking forward to watching Season 2 of Torchwood, and I should probably watch the rest of Firefly and Serenity as well...

Great story! Hopefully you'll update before I forget all the details! ;)
BundleofContradictions chapter 5 . 11/21/2011
This is a great story thus far! You fused the two 'verses quite naturally, by making Firefly just a bit further into the Torchwood/Whoniverse's future. Mal and Zoe are understandably wary of Jack. The backstory you gave their original encounter was awful, maybe a bit *too* awful. Jack continuously pouring salt on Mal's scars of war is cruel. Not that I can't imagine Jack saying such things (especially when his buttons are pushed) but because it makes the reader hard pressed to root for Jack and Mal equally. The tense scenes clearly show two Alpha Males at each other's throats, fighting over territory like two wolves from rival packs. Kudos on the excellent characterization, attention to detail, and easy-to-read story flow and structure. Also, the foreign languages! I love it when fun language variations are sprinkled throughout a story! Thanks for translating everything.

Other points:

-I love the way you're writing River. I think you have all the characters down pat, but River's always been special. I'd like to see more scenes with her.

-I figured out that Reavers would probably be the crux of the plot, so I wouldn't call it a twist, but the way they're incorporated in the story is well done.

-Jack called for The Doctor's help! That would be so much fun to see (if it doesn't fit into the main story, then as a side scene/one shot). One question though- which Doctor did he call? Tenny or Elevebty? I'd love to see Jack meeting Matt Smith's Doctor, especially if River Song could join them...

-I didn't finish season 2 of Torchwood yet, and while I usually don't mind spoilers (the mention of certain characters deaths didn't come as a surprise to me, much as I miss them), I'm not sure I want to know too much about Gray, yet

-thanks for the story! I love review replies, btw! ;)
Cindar chapter 6 . 7/15/2011
Interesting, I injoyen(sp) it. You should update it,
Schizophrenic Squirrel chapter 6 . 5/27/2011
This is awesome! We can has more story please? Pretty please?
dwelian chapter 6 . 1/26/2011
I'm really enjoying this! Can't wait to see what Mal and the crew's reaction would be to Jack not dying.

Looking forward to seeing where you go with this!
Azahlea chapter 6 . 12/28/2010
I'm loving this! I really enjoy how the Reavers are the creatures from Jacks past because it really fits. Plus I love the idea of a torchwood/firefly crossover. also enjoying the attraction between ianto and inara, they would suit each other even though he's totally Jack's.

can't wait to
Suteko chapter 6 . 12/15/2010
okay great story...where is the rest! No really you have a great cross over going here and it needs to be completed.
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