Reviews for Secret Love
Lily chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
Guest chapter 17 . 8/5/2014
Plz update you should do a twist where sasuke leaves naruto again
Guest chapter 9 . 1/15/2014
Literally why the fuck did you not warn about noncon and cutting at the beginning of this chapter. Not everybody wants to read about rape and self-harm and even if this story is rated M you're supposed to warn your readers when this kind of thing happens. I'm out. Can't believe I wasted my time reading that crap.
the-darker-side-of-things chapter 17 . 10/21/2013
no updates?! noooooo and pls don't make naruto be to mean to sasu-chan there has to be somelove in there
ItStartsWithZ chapter 17 . 10/12/2013
omg!a 1st person narrative by saskue! Although i have to admit,i thought i was going to drop this after the 1st chapters but..i guess the curiousity of how you sasuke thinks got me hooked! I hope you'll continue this! Great job by the way!
Elantrian chapter 17 . 5/15/2013
:( No updates?
Well, that's kinda heartbreaking, I started this fic a couple hours ago and have thusly devoured it in one go. There are some. . . issues with the structure and some of the scenes are written. . . weirdly but the story and the majority of the writing more than makes up for those moments.

Your OCs are enjoyable to read without over taking the story (not an easy feat by any means)
Your Sasuke is enthralling. I seriously don't even know what to say, you have simultaneously managed to make me love to hear his thoughts but hate being in his head.
And to be honest I haven't decided how I feel about your Naruto yet. I think this is rather solely because we are completely fixed in Sasuke's head (a novel experience), so all we really know about Naruto is what Sasuke is willing to tell us.

All in all this fic is something of a singularity. I have yet to read a fic where we are placed so completely in a character's head as this one, where absolutely no outside data on the story (or it's characters) is offered or even accessible. It's been an enjoyable experience and I would happily sell my soul to the fan fiction gods to see more for your boys.
lauralove chapter 17 . 11/28/2012
Hope you update one of these days!
Dashel chapter 9 . 9/18/2012
Wow didnt expect that to happen so quickly. It was very well written, his confusion and his feelings afterwards. Ooo I wonder how they will recover from his though, if they recover from this of course.
Dashel chapter 8 . 9/18/2012
I like they seem to be getting more comfortable contact with each other. Its a nice friendly touch if that makes sense. Aww poor sai.
Dashel chapter 7 . 9/18/2012
Wow mellow sasuke almost. His personality seems to have opened up a lot over the year. And look theyre bonding yays. Hrm does Riki have some plans too perhaps. Maybe im just reading into it too much lol. Oh well sasukes happy feelings seem to be closing in on him a little and I am very keen to read more.
Dashel chapter 6 . 9/18/2012
Ooo interesting implantation of ideas there for future plottage no doubt with the confusion over the boyfriend situation lol. I love sasukes total obliviousness of the cherry conversation till later as well. You really get a sort of sense of innocence of him in this chapter which is weird cause its sasuke but really fits him so well I loves it.
Dashel chapter 5 . 9/17/2012
Is it just me or is sasuke loosening up just a little. He seems a lot more relaxed in narutos company even if he doesnt really understand it yet and its very sweet in a lot of ways. The school stuff is interesting and im really enjoying it. Looking forward to reading more.
Dashel chapter 4 . 9/17/2012
The way he has these little unrealised thoughts about naruto is amusing me greatly throughout this entire story. I love sasukes reactions to them and how he wont really think about what they mean at all and treats them as a sort of annoying curiosity or something. And narutos reaction to half naked sasuke was certainly a grinning moment haha. Oh and narutos reaction or rather lack of reaction to the newly cleaned flat was classic. Im really enjoying this :)
Dashel chapter 3 . 9/17/2012
First off I gotta say I sooo love your Sasuke. His character is just so perfect, the way you have his mind working is just what I imagine for sasuke and I adore it. Even the way you have his thought processes, how he thinks about people like the headmastef was just so well done its amazing. So glad I got the time to get back to this, I loves it so far!
Dashel chapter 2 . 9/4/2012
Ive just realised that reading this at work probably wasnt the swiftest move cause I keep getting distracted lol. Anyway I do remember near the begining of the chapter I loved the descritpion of sasukes general sort of despondance towards everything except this feeli g hes getting sometimes from naruto. It might sound weird but the way you wrote, how he used to like things but couldnt work up any opinion about now was saddening but in a way truly beautiful window into just how desolate his life has become.
I truly loved the sun and moon description, haha it was a description I haved used myself for an unpublished part though a little different but made me feel bad cause yours was so much more eloquent than I could ever have managed. It was such a wonderful description I absolutely loved it. Im really getting into this fic and I adore your sasuke, im looking forward to reading more.
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