Reviews for Moist Remembers
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 5 . 10/13/2016
Moist's perspective is super neat. Nice story. Or, well... sad story... but yeah. x.x
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 2 . 10/13/2016
Wooah! multiple-personality or something?
Dr Horrible is a cool character to do stuff like this with. The whole mad-scientist thing. :P
Neat so far. :D
TheDoctor'sStrawberry chapter 5 . 2/1/2016
Guest chapter 5 . 10/19/2014
Grr, this is fantastic, I love it. Your writing style is similar to mine when I write in first person - it has the perfect amount of narrative distance for angst. I absolutely love the Moist/Billy dynamic, thrilled you chose to explore it.
Obscure Bird chapter 5 . 3/19/2014
Fantastic, complex, and horribly sad! Well-written, too. Great job.
ladybug114 chapter 5 . 9/12/2013
Wow. That was... wow. Never thought i would cry at a Dr Horrible fic, but i just did. So congrats on that accomplishment i guess...
But seriously though, that was amazing. It was deep, emotional, depressing, and perfect.
wouldn't you like to know chapter 5 . 10/9/2011
I read the entire story chapters 1 through 5 and during that I luaghed and when I got to the end I cried and even though this story is just 5 chapters it is still one of the best things I've ever read.
Deeply Creepy chapter 5 . 9/9/2011
In some funky way that was really beautifull. I really liked the story, it had some great depths, subtle and not so subtle jokes and I can totally see it all happening. Just popping in to say I loved it I guess XD
accallia chapter 5 . 1/11/2011
Oh, my. You're a terrible person. I love you for it.
sinclairchap chapter 5 . 12/13/2010
OMG! I'm crying now! That was BEAUTIFUL! And I can really see that happening. It was like DHSAB-2 REALLY GOOD!
Animekitty47 chapter 5 . 11/12/2010
Awwww. This was a sad ending, but not really surprising. You did a really good job on this fic. :)
Sakura Katana chapter 5 . 11/9/2010
You made me tear up.
Sakura Katana chapter 4 . 11/8/2010
Fridge sitting. Love it.
Sakura Katana chapter 3 . 11/8/2010
Man, I could just see that drug store heist. Especially Billy announcing, "I am going to leave now."

Also, the thing with the asthma attack? Major 'Aww' moment there.
Sakura Katana chapter 2 . 11/8/2010
Awesome. Thought he would end up with Bait, but instead he got DayGlow. That made me smile.

I usually don't like it when people write Dr Horrible and Billy as separate personalities, because I think they're just alter egos. But you make it work. I'm enjoying this fic a lot more than the title/summary made me think I would.
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