Reviews for Throw Down Your Guise
Ken Hisuag chapter 2 . 7/27/2013
And so the plot unfolds. I will look forward to reading into this. I think Pewter, or whatever his name is, is right about what will happen to her, but we'll see. I'm feeling rushed right now, so I've got to go. Good afternoon!
Ken Hisuag chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
It holds promise, and I look forward to seeing where it has gone. I agree perfectly with Lieutenant What's-his-name, but I'm not surprised at all by the final decision, considering hares. Also, it is about time a badger lord died in a real shore battle. Till tomorrow. Good night!
Mr. Mister chapter 18 . 12/21/2011
Curious, are you actually going to finish this story? Because I really like it.
redwall fan chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
actually i think you have the "you are a vermin, and therefore evil and incapable of any good or reform" mentality of the hares incredibly correct. keep up the good work!
MetallicTaste chapter 18 . 9/25/2010
Keep writing! I cannot stand you not updating! Your story is so original, so well thought out, so amazing, please please please dont leave us all behind!
Foeseeker chapter 18 . 7/14/2010
Whoa, what's gonna happen to Scubb?

*goggle-eyed and on edge of seat*

That was one powerful chapter! And I must say it was worth waiting for. It was kind a building, building, building story, and suddenly - BANG! - it went off. Hard.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter . . . Hope it's soon. C-: Heh, look who's talking.

Jarrtail chapter 18 . 6/30/2010
Thank god you're back. Really, I had given you up for dead. It's nice to see you updating again. And I'm sorry to hear that you're losing interest in writing. I hope that wears off soon. By the way, what 60-day expiration date? Is that something I ought to be worried about?

Anyway, this chapter was nice. The whole voting thing was very unexpected, but makes some sense. After all, the hares wouldn't just drop her in the mountain and just leave it at that, would they? Nice cliffhanger, too. The annoying part is that if you never update, we'll be stuck with that forever and I'll eventually go insane(er) wondering what happened to Scubb.

Oh, and nice to know that you've started on the next Chains chapter. Better than nothing, eh?

Quaver Ava chapter 18 . 6/23/2010
I was actually starting to debate weather to give up on you. But now I wanna pester you even more now! Thank you SOO much for updating this, I missed Scubb!

The Chapter was short compared to some of you other chapters, but it was just as good. Nice cliff hanger at the end there too, hopefully you'll be able to continue.

So Scubb is going to be forced into being a spy, interesting. Hopefully she'll learn a few tricks that'll help her out.

Sadly this chapter not only answered a lot of my questions, but now I have a few more.

1. Is Scubb going to be forced to go under cover?

2. Does this mean I can keep hounding you on your slow updates? :P

3. What's in that letter? (Yeah I know it's a question from the last chapter, but I wanna know!)

4. When are you going to be done with college? I want the old Jade who updated at the most every other week.

5. Is anything happening at Redwall?

6. Is Scubb's mother with the pirates?

7. Will Scubb learn something useful to use thoughout the story? Like fighting, or first aid and herbs?

8. Is anything going to happen to Ashry and Forbs?

9. dang I didn't make it to ten questions...

Again this chapter was chort, but I loved the come back. It tells us that there's going to be some adventure later own. Which I'm looking forward too.

Quavera_Tava: "Whoo hoo I'm happy!"
fwirl of redwall chapter 18 . 6/23/2010
Wow its been a while(: Glad you updated! Don't ever quit on your stories!

Well your hares here are definitely different from the ones in the book with their kindness and whatnot, but I'm not saying its a bad thing. Its just so unlike the original hare character to be cold and scheming and manipulative(:

Hope to see new chapters soon!
Scyphi chapter 18 . 6/23/2010
This is a good week, because a couple stories I've been following have been popping up out of the woodwork in addition to yours, including one that hasn't updated since as far back as 2006 or maybe even earlier. So life's really good at the moment. :D

Glad to see that you've stuck to it for now. To quit the story and maybe writing altogether would be a waste of both potential and talent. Just so you know. ;)

As for the chapter itself...didn't see this twist coming, per say, but at the same time, I'm somehow not surprised it came to this. It always did seem like there was some kind of ulterior motive to the hare's methods with Scubb for all this time, so unfortunate they opted to fulfill my expectations. XP

Furthermore, not only are they no longer winning any popularity contests with Scubb, but they aren't winning any popularity contests with me either. In fact, they've really lost ground. Since the fanfic began I have long been trying to justify the actions of the hares and their treatment to Scubb, so to leave at least some good light shining on them, regardless of how much harder it was getting chapter after chapter. But no more, as this is the last straw for me. With a few exceptions (Pewter, Lavender, etc) Scubb is probably going to be the only character I'm going to be rooting for at the moment. The hares are now officially the bad guys for the time being.

Ironically, it kind of feels good to say that now. And saves me the trouble having to justify their actions now, so maybe now I can stop frying so many brain cells analyzing this fanfic so much. :P

So, yeah, go Scubb! Way to stand up to them! Don't give them the satisfaction of getting what they want!

Of course, that's not likely to leave her in a very desirable situation, but still, she's actually the one that's making sense now.

I kept expecting Pewter to pop up at some point in this chapter. What he would've done would've been a complete tossup in my mind, but either way, it was obviously just wishful thinking. :)

And yeah, I don't expect you'll get caught up with "Warrior of Redwall" very quickly, but at least I know you're going to make the attempt. Wrote several chapters whilst you were dangling off the edge of the earth that I figured you had a few things to say about, both good and bad. :) So it'll be great to see that input finally. :D

And yeah, I think that's it.

Anxiously awaiting for more. :)
ry chapter 18 . 6/23/2010
I thought this was a good chapter and i love this story. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you continue to write it.
The sex craved teenager chapter 17 . 4/19/2010
I've been reading this story for a long time and I'm very curious in why it's stopped being updated?

Airan's Enigma chapter 17 . 3/5/2010
Late review

Alright first thing's first,


Yes I'm your weird reader :) I like characters that are supposed to be unlikable. :P

Onto the review,

I liked this chapter. It was really good. I'm glad that the plot is finally starting to get moving. I think I know where this story is going and if I'm right, this'll be interesting.

MetallicTaste chapter 17 . 2/16/2010
Love it.
John chapter 17 . 2/13/2010
I don't know what the rest of these people are talking about, I liked this chapter. In fact, I like this story. And trust me, that is a very rare thing for me to say about anything on this site. So congrats.

Keep doing what you are doing.
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