Reviews for Memories
Guest chapter 6 . 1/30/2016
Bloody Rose. Christ, why is she everywhere? Why can't Martha get any appreciation without her being compared to Rose or having the latter insinuated in every Martha-fic?
AzTec999 chapter 12 . 12/3/2015
"How do i go on? For a long time, after...after Galifrey, I didn't. But then... I found someone. Someone who...made me better."
-DAMN. (Sorry but not so sorry for the profanity) This line bleeds of all the feels out there. I could hear the sincerity behind his voice and it just broke my little, poor, trashy heart. Thanks for writing this. It's really wonderful. :)
Whyhow chapter 11 . 4/4/2015
It wasn't just two broken people: she always tried to help as many people as she could. She could see that her family needed her, but the Doctor was too good at hiding it. This is an interesting idea and I'm curious about what would happen in future adventures if she was there.
Whyhow chapter 8 . 4/4/2015
I didn't guess it, but I'm not too surprised. It was the simplest way I could think of that she wouldn't make it onto the Valiant.
Whyhow chapter 3 . 4/4/2015
This is a very interesting idea, and this change (especially if she stays on the TARDIS) could make a lot of the other episodes very different... People, when writing AUs (in my opinion) rarely see how big the changes they make actually are, so I'm curious to see how you do it.
Aria Tune chapter 12 . 4/13/2014
So sad and well written. Makes me wish they properly dealt with Martha's personal aftermath of that year on screen. Thank you for writing this. Just lovely.
Casperace13 chapter 12 . 11/24/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
Toni M H chapter 12 . 4/11/2013
"This is the moment the next one begins." This right here was EPIC! You created an awesome story! Thank you for sharing or with us readers.
SunMoonSeaSky chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
This is... kind of amazing. I read all the reviews and they all say it, but you are an amazing writer, so thank you for sharing your story with the world.
kaelleigh chapter 12 . 5/28/2012
Wow. That's pretty much all I can say about this story. It was so amazing that as I read the final word, all I could think of was, "Wow." You created so much emotion and feeling that even when it was painful, I couldn't stop reading. Thank you for sharing your story. And, again, wow.
Kendall N.S chapter 12 . 4/3/2012
I love this. Beautifully written! Bravo!
The Moonspinner chapter 12 . 4/1/2012
Hello, I'd just like to say that your story it brilliantly written, with dialogue that cuts into you and honestly while the plot line seemed a bit indulgent in the beginning, it became so much more. I think I've always been insanely fond of the character of Martha Jones and you're right: the way it ended was unfair, even if it made sense. But it's extremely good- really very, very good, to be able to read about the one world where she doesn't leave him. Characters were spot on and the epilogue- fabulous!

It was a really great story.


The Doctor's Song chapter 5 . 3/2/2012
I loved it! You really are a great writer. I was crying by the end (and I never cry!)! So good luck with your writing career(did I spell that right?) and live long and prosper.

P.S. oh, snap. That's Star Trek.
QTFics chapter 12 . 2/21/2012
You, my friend, are a brilliant writer. I found this story and I was captivated from the start!

It was so full of emotion! To answer your question I kind of guessed Martha had died from the way her family and Jack reacted at seeing her again and how guilty the Doctor was acting and how hard he tried to fight for her not to regain those memories, I thought to myself, "something really bad happened to her during that year..maybe she even died". And once that thougt took hold I couldn't shake it.

You had a section that aptly described what I always imagined Martha must have felt... She knows now that she can never walk away. The ghost from the Year that Never Was will always haunt her. The ghost that is her... I always thought how do you walk around with all those memories and see all those faces of those the Master killed to get to you and still function everyday. I know Martha is strong but I really wished they would have addressed how she went on with her life (also how in the world she ended up with Micke the idiot :o) ). This so eloquently described how imagined she must have felt.

You did such a wonderful job I do hope to read more from you in the future!
Jewelshoes chapter 12 . 2/8/2012
Nooooo! I cant believe youve compelted it :( it was SO good! I love this story its AMAZING! I love the way you didnt put Rose or Martha down, i hate it when people do that cause theyre both brilliant in their own ways! Thanks so much for writing this fab story :D xx
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