Reviews for The One with the Green Thumb
Nicolassa chapter 7 . 11/24/2016
Oh god, oh god, oh god, please update this! Please, please, please. I just love it, I didn't know I need ZetsuIno so bad until now. I love you writing, and the story, and Zetsu, and Ino. Please make me happy hahaha.
Obey the Pig chapter 7 . 8/21/2016
Please update. You left it at such a bad cliff hanger. My mind can't for the rest of the story
Crimsont3ar chapter 7 . 2/28/2015
I knew you hadn't posted in a while, yet I had hoped you'd finished. I loved it! And I want a nice ending!
heart-of-moonlight chapter 7 . 11/25/2014
I never knew Ino could have so much depth!
This pairing is amazing
This is the first Ino and Zetsu fic I've read but wow.

You make things so suspenseful and exciting!
I love the fact you concentrate Ino as a teenager girl who has her problems
And Zetsu as an actually person with feelings
The character development is fascinating, it makes me see Ino in a new light
Another thing I really like is that you add the right amount of detail so that it gives the reader a clear picture of what you're trying to paint
While not giving too much detail so that it would be tedious and hard to read

I'm having so much fun reading this!
Please update!
Quick quick quick!
I'm dying of suspense!
d011 chapter 7 . 11/20/2013
Love this story! Really amazing portrayal of Zetsu...Please please update :D
Neleothesze chapter 7 . 11/14/2013
I loved reading this story; it was fun to find such an original idea. I hope you finish it some day.

Hina's hime chapter 7 . 8/6/2013
Really. God damnit really you haven't updated in 2 to 3 years anyway this story is great just update please please pleeeeaaasssse
Slytherin Studios chapter 7 . 6/23/2013
I love your story, please update soon.
Kurai Ummei chapter 7 . 5/17/2013
Arrrrgggg cliff hanger!
BreakItDwn chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
Really!? Just really!? You havent updated in like three years, damnit!
Sigh... anywho, on to the review. All in all, the best romance story on this site Ive read by far. The characters are realistic, and have a certain amount of added depth that makes this story beautiful. I love how Ino's dependence on Zetsu due to her lack of self esteem and poor self image, is made out. She is basically betraying her village for love, so to speak, and rightously so. As for Zetsu, I find it interesting that Black Zetsu is the caring one, but in a good way. Im suprised at the character dynamics and interaction, its so well done.
Youre writing is fantastic. There is detail when needed, everything flows and it isnt forced whatsoever. The dialouge exchanges are done amazingly and leave nothing bad to be said. As for the plot, all I have to say is youre a fricken genious and thats that.
i swear, please for all that is holy, update. I dont care if you end it with the next chappie or something, but update. This is a beautiful piece of work that needs to be finished. Not by some craptastic writer who decided to adopt it, but by an amazing author who writes like a pro, aka-you. Please update soon. This is to good of a story to be quit.
Imaginneeee chapter 7 . 2/21/2013
DON'T GIVE UP ON ME. PLEASE. I LOVE THIS STORYYYY. DON'T LEAVE ME CLIFFHANGING. I'LL DIE OF CURIOSITY. I will honestly write you a love poem if you finish this P
Tao Ayame chapter 7 . 2/17/2013
I've read that this story is on hiatus, but fuck, I'll just wait patiently for a new chapter... I just love the idea of zetsu and ino together and the story's amazing!

Hope to read you soon,
Kakashiz chapter 7 . 2/11/2013

Duuude. This is great barring the occasional spelling mistake. I'm half tempted to infringe copyright and rewrite your plot as my own. I wanna know what happens. Update
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
Please update, I love this story so much, I need to know what is going to hapen, please, please, please , please update.
ladycrocodile chapter 7 . 8/27/2012
OMG no you can't just end here! I know it's been forever since the last update, but please, if you ever find the time, continue this amazing story!
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