Reviews for Of Gods and Butterflies
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
Anjie chapter 19 . 4/5/2014
Really enjoyable story, it has a nice little twist to the Greek mythology. Nice characterization as well. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your other stories.
Rockgod chapter 19 . 6/9/2012
Aw. I love this story. It was great from beginning to end. I always liked the story of Eros and Psyloc. It was one of the few greek myths that had a happy ending. Thank you for this story.

Rockgod chapter 19 . 6/9/2012
Aw. I love this story. It was great from beginning to end. I always liked the story of Eros and Psyloc. It was one of the few greek myths that had a happy ending. Thank you for this story.

Writing Rebel chapter 19 . 10/23/2010
Wow. That was amazing! That was one of the best stories I've read for Smallville. The concept of Clark and Chloe in an Metropl-ian version of a classic Greek myth was unique and inspired. And it was very well written. I changed my mind. This was one fo the best fics I've read on this site period. It was just amazing. I'm not sure there's much else I can say! I truly loved it!
Lovethechruce chapter 19 . 6/29/2010
Just found this & enjoyed this story. Thanks for sharing.
TheArrowThatMissed chapter 19 . 12/31/2009
That's another story you say?

Well, this one was great. Your writing is fantastic, I could see it and feel everything.

Great plot, the story of Eros and Psyche has always been my favorite Grecian myth.

Loved the show dialog that you successfully implanted..

Overall just a great story, that I loved.
BajanDiva chapter 19 . 6/18/2009
Words cannot DESCRIBE how much I love this story! This revived my love for all things Chloe/Kal/Clark related! I don't care what anyone else says those two are meant to be together.
MrKeener chapter 19 . 5/4/2009
Most excellent story! I stumbled on looking for something to read while at work (lots of free time spent doing nothing) and randomly picked a story and now I’m thoroughly hooked. I’m a Smallville fan and this particular story was an interesting twist. I’ll let you know what I think about the rest of your stories as well. I’m sure I’ll work my through them. So..happy writing? Best of luck? I don’t know how you’re supposed to conclude a review.
wlshygirl79 chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
thank you for answering my questions...this was an amazing story...I loved the fairy tale aspect of the story...It was a great read!
wlshygirl79 chapter 19 . 4/14/2009
that was great...I loved this story...pieces set in the past, story book romances are the best...

I do have to admit, Im confused...who's kids where lose? Chloe or Clark don't have any kids, and he called them his grandkids, they called Clark, Uncle, so not Chloe and Clarks kids?

Did Chloe and Kal and Gabe travel through time?

Is Chloe Lois?

Im sorry this really was amazing, Im just confused on a few things!
dispatcher652 chapter 19 . 4/3/2009
I can't believe this fantastic story has come to an end. Thank you for writing this wonderful story. I hope you write a sequel to this. If you do I'll be there.
WaffleNinja chapter 19 . 4/3/2009
I'm an idiot. And I'm confused at the epilogue. _'
dispatcher652 chapter 15 . 4/3/2009
I'm glad that Chloe's father helped her out so she can find a way to help Kal out. This is such a great story because when ever I reach the end of a chapter I'm like "No...I need more." LOL

Keep up the great work.
WaffleNinja chapter 15 . 4/2/2009
These chapters were interesting, even though they were kinda just set-ups for the continuation of the storyline. Still good, though.

Now I can't wait for the ending!
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